Teaching English Reflectively with Technology

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Author Resources

Teaching reflectively with technology relies on more than just good ideas: authors need to be aware of and cite relevant literature in the field to support their claims and ideally to inform them. Here are a few sources that are readily available on the web at no charge. Members of the two organizations should already be aware of LT (LT SIG newsletter) and OnCALL (CALL-IS newsletter), but these are only available to current members. Those with access to university libraries will be able to find additional useful resources.

Language Learning & Technology: http://llt.msu.edu. This is a highly respected, free academic journal. In addition to searching for relevant articles at the site, authors are encouraged to browse their list of special issues for topics that connect with theirs, especially the October 2013 issue on mobile learning: http://llt.msu.edu/archives/by_spec_issue.html.

CALICO Journal: http://journals.sfu.ca/CALICO/index.php/calico/issue/archive. This is the journal of the Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium, published since 1983. Current articles are available by subscription or individual purchase, but all articles more than one year old may now be accessed for free.

EUROCALL Review: http://www.eurocall-languages.org/publications/review.  In addition to announcements and descriptions of EUROCALL member projects, this includes articles that are sometimes of a more practice-focused nature than those that appear in the organization's subscription-based journal ReCALL.

CALL-EJ: http://callej.org/. This free journal supported by APACALL primarily has research articles, but many are based in the authors' own classrooms.

Anyone aware of other helpful, freely available resources may send the link and a brief description to Phil Hubbard.

Last modified: March 25, 2014 by Phil Hubbard