



Fall Quarter

Winter Quarter







Lecture Recordings

We'll do our best to post audio recordings of the sessions here, within a week of the class - this is not meant for wide distribution, but just as a way for students to catch up if they miss a session or two. The recordings are in .mp3 format, so you should be able to play them on your computer, as well as in devices like iPods. It's probably best to download them, rather than play them directly in your browser. To do this, right-click (or control-click on a Mac!) on the links below, and select something like "Save Target As..." or "Save Link As... " or "Download Linked File."


Session 1- Kant
Part 1
Part 2
Session 1 Slides

Session 2 - Kant (con't); Hegel
Part 1
Part 2
Session 2 Slides

Session 3 - Hegel (con't); Mill
Part 1
Part 2
Session 3 Slides

Session 4 -Schopenhauer and Kierkegaard
Part 1
Part 2
Schopenhauer Slides
Kierkegaard Slides

Session 5 - Nietzsche
Part 1
Part 2
Session 5 Slides

Session 6 - Marx and Freud
Part 1
Part 2
Marx Slides

Session 7 - James and Pragmatism
Part 1
Part 2
James Slides

Session 8 - Wittgenstein
Part 1
Part 2
Wittgenstein Slides

Session 9 - Heidegger
Part 1
Part 2


From Winter 2008...

Session 1- Introduction and Augustine's Confessions
Part 1
Part 2
Session 1 Slides

Session 2 - Augustine's Free Choice of the Will and Anselm
Part 1
Part 2
Augustine Slides
Anselm Slides

Session 3 - Thomas Aquinas
Part 1
Part 2
Medieval Aristotle Slides
Aquinas Slides

Session 4 -Late Scholasticism: Duns Scotus and William of Ockham
Part 1
Part 2

Session 5 - Bacon and Montaigne
Part 1
Part 2

Session 6 - Descartes
Part 1
Part 2

Session 7 - Spinoza and Leibniz
Part 1
Part 2

Session 8 - Locke
Part 1
Part 2

Session 9 - Hume; Conclusion
Part 1
Part 2

From Fall 2007...

What is Philosophy? and... The Presocratics
Part 1
Part 2
Slides from Session 1

The Trial of Socrates
Part 1
Part 2

Session 3 - Plato's Symposium - no recording (sorry!)

Session 4: Plato's Republic
Part 1
Part 2

Session 5: Aristotle's Ethics
Part 1
Part 2

Session 6: Aristotle's Metaphysics
Part 1
Part 2
Slides from Session 6 (PDF version)

Session 7: Plato and Aristotle Recap; Epicureanism
Part 1
Part 2

Session 8: Stoicism; Jesus (Part 1)
Part 1
Part 2

Session 9: Jesus (Part 2)- Gospels of John and Thomas; Paul
Part 1
Part 2

Session 10: Plotinus; Religion and Philosophy: Course Conclusion
Part 1
Part 2

Problems? Feel free to send us an email: