



Fall Quarter

Winter Quarter








Spring 2008 Readings

(Click here for Winter readings)

The primary text for the course (this quarter as well as Spring) is:
Cahn, Stephen M., Classics of Western Philosophy (Hackett, 2007).

It should hopefully be available in the bookstore when registration begins.

Below are links to online readings (in PDF form for printing) that will supplement our use of the text above.

Session One

Readings:  Kant, Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics (PDF selections here);

Session Two

Hegel, Philosophy of History (PDF selections here)

Session Five

Nietzsche, The Gay Science (1st PDF, 2nd PDF); Genealogy of Morals (PDF selections here)

Session Six

Marx,Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 (PDF selections here)

Freud, On Dreams (PDF selections here)

Session Seven

James,Varieties of Religious Experience (PDF selections here)

Session Eight

Wittgenstein,Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (PDF selections here)

Session Nine

Heidegger, "What is Metaphysics?" (PDF here); Being and Time (PDF selections here)

Session Ten

Rorty, "A World without Substances or Essences," from Philosophy and Social Hope (PDF here);