Palm SW Under Construction

PalmOne Email Compatibility Chart

Name Authenticate at Stanford Bookmarks     URL Comments
Blazer Yes Yes  
Instant Messaging

Program Setup Instructions Comments
VeriChat Yahoo IM  


Name POP IMAP Filters Attachments Stanford Setup Instructions Comments
Eudora Yes - can set to not dl at all - Yes  


Yes - can set to not dl at all   Under Construction don't have it working yet
Snapper Mail Yes Yes   +


VersaMail Yes Yes, but does not support multiple folders     IMAP
under construction
Aileron + +       requires a service - haven't played with it yet

Name         URL Comments
Mocha Telnet

Mocha Telnet is a shareware application for the Palm Computing (R) Platform. It makes it possible to connect to an UNIX host with the TCP/IP/TELNET protocol and emulate a VT220 terminal.

Mochasoft also carries versions for CE devices, Nokia, Sony Erickson, Windows, Mac, etc)

TuSSH "TuSSH is an SSH client for Palm OS devices. It should now work with any device with Palm OS 4 or greater. It might even work with OS 3.5 devices but no testing or support is planned for these devices."

Supports SSHv1 and partially supports SSHv2. Free for use, but no source available.


pssh is a free, open-source SSH 2 client for Palm OS 5.


pssh is substantially UNTESTED and probably INSECURE. Do not use it for security-critical applications.

Top Gun ssh

"Top Gun ssh is an ssh (version 1) client for palmtops running Palm OS and having a TCP/IP stack. This includes the Palm Pilot Pro, Palm III, Palm V, and the corresponding models of Workpad and Visor. It does not include the Palm VII; that machine apparently has no way to do TCP/IP"



Name         URL Comments
Treo Helper TreoHelper has options to help control phone and network operations of the Treo 180/270/300. You can assign on/off times for the phone, conditions for when to drop the network connection and/or turn off the phone. This can help you experiment with overcoming some known firmware issues on the device, such as the "turbo drain" and "red blink of death" syndromes.
PBJTime Recently, I added an SMS section. This allows you to assign a ringtone/vibrate to incoming SMSs based on a text match. It also has a "Def" setting which is used for SMSs which don't match any others. There is a "launch" under each SMS setting, which provides a way to filter SMS text into certain applications. One such application is GNUGotMail, which when it is launched in this way will perform a mail fetch. Another is PBJTime which will give you a more convenient SMS popup.. i.e. it goes away after a few seconds and can be launched with a hotkey hold if you also install pbjtimehack.