CS 257: Introduction to Automated Reasoning
Autumn 2023, Mon/Wed 10:30 AM PDT - 11:50 AM PDT, Jen-Hsun Huang Engineering Center 18Faculty Instructor: Caroline Trippel
Student Instructor: Andrew (Haoze) Wu
Teaching Assistant: Hanna Lachnitt
Syllabus: Syllabus
Canvas: Class Homepage
Ed Discussion : Ask a Question on Ed
Automated logical reasoning has enabled substantial progress in many fields, including hardware and software verification, theorem-proving, and artificial intelligence. Different application scenarios may require different automated reasoning techniques and sometimes their combination. In this course, we will study the theory and practice of automated reasoning. We start with propositional logic and the propositional satisfiability (SAT) problem. We then move on to general first-order reasoning, including first-order resolution and unification. We next consider first-order theories, such as linear arithmetic over reals and integers, uninterpreted functions, bit-vectors, and arrays. We cover the satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) problem, the DPLL(T) calculus for SMT, and techniques for reasoning about combinations of theories. The course will include many examples of practical applications of these algorithms as well as guest speakers who will tell us about their use in industry.
Units This class is offered for 3 units as either a letter grade or a CR/NC course.
Prerequisites CS154 Introduction to the Theory of Computation, or CS106B Programming Abstractions and CS103 Mathematical Foundations of Computing, or consent of instructor.
Learning Objectives Through active engagement and completion of course activities, you will be able to:
- Understand the syntax, semantics, and properties of different logical languages for encoding different decision problems;
- Understand and prove properties about popular automated reasoning procedures (e.g., CDCL, DPLL(T), Simplex, Nelson-Oppen);
- Get hands-on experience in using off-the-shelf automated reasoning tools;
- Understand the roles of automated reasoning in real-world applications such as software/hardware verification and synthesis;
- Get exposure to formal methods literature and engage in formal methods research.
Commitment to Inclusion
We are committed to creating a respectful, welcoming, and inclusive environment where students from all backgrounds and perspectives are well-served. To achieve this goal, we encourage all members of the class to conduct discussions in or out of class in a way that shows respect and dignity to everyone. We value your thoughts and encourage you to communicate them while allowing others to express their thoughts as well. This will allow for rigorous intellectual engagement and a deeper learning experience for all. We appreciate your suggestions on ways to improve the effectiveness of the course for you personally or for other students. If any of our class meetings conflict with your religious events, please let us know so that we can make arrangements for you.
Date | Topic | Lecturer | Supplemental Reading | Class Notes |
9/27 | Propositional Logic: Syntax, semantics, satisfiability and validity | Caroline Trippel | CC 1.1-1.5 MI 1.0-1.2 | Slides |
10/02 | Proof Systems |
Guest lecture by Clark Barrett, Stanford University | Book Chapter | Slides |
10/04 | Propositional Logic: Normal forms, SAT, resolution, DPLL |
Caroline Trippel | CC 1.6-1.7 MI 1.6 |
Slides |
10/09 | Propositional Logic: Abstract DPLL, CDCL | Caroline Trippel | DP Chapter 2 | Slides |
10/11 | CDCL |
Caroline Trippel | Slides | |
10/15 | ||||
10/16 | First-order logic: syntax | Andrew Wu | MI 2.1, MI 2.2 before "Definability in a Structure" | Slides |
10/18 | First-order Logic: Semantics, clausal forms |
Andrew Wu | CC Ch. 2.1-2.6 | Slides |
10/20 | ||||
10/23 | SMT: Overview on Theories | Hanna Lachnitt | CC Ch. 3 (After class) | Slides |
10/25 | Applications: Model Checking |
Caroline Trippel | ||
10/30 | Applications: Formal Explanation of AI |
Guest lecture by Nina Narodytska, VMware | Slides | |
10/31 | Halloween midterm review session with cookies! |
11/01 |
SMT: Decision procedures for strings and sequences |
Guest lecture by Clark Barrett, Stanford University | Slides | |
11/02 | ||||
11/04 | ||||
11/06 | SMT: DPLL(T) |
Andrew Wu | DP Ch. 3 | Slides |
11/08 | SMT: Arithmetic | Andrew Wu | DP Ch 5.1-5.2 | Slides |
11/13 |
SMT: Bit-vectors |
Guest lecture by Mathias Preiner, Stanford University | DP Ch 6 | |
11/15 | Application: Symbolic Execution |
Caroline Trippel | ||
11/17 | Course withdrawal deadline | |||
11/20 | Thanksgiving Recess (no classes) | |||
11/22 | Thanksgiving Recess (no classes) | |||
11/27 |
AI for AR |
Guest lecture by Christopher Hahn, Google | Slides | |
11/29 | SMT: Herbrand's theorem, quantifier instantiation |
Andrew Wu | DP Ch. 9.5 | Slides |
12/04 | SMT: Theory combination |
Caroline Trippel | DP 10.1-10.5 | Slides |
12/06 |
Hardware Security Verification |
Guest lecture by John Matthews, Intel | ||
12/12 |
Course Materials
Ed Discussion Ed Discussion (https://edstem.org/us/courses/44522 ) will be used both for online discussion and for announcements. We recommend keeping email notifications on from Ed Discussion (https://edstem.org/us/settings/) to avoid missing any time-sensitive announcements.
Canvas Recordings of the lectures and additional supplementary materials will be available on Canvas ( https://canvas.stanford.edu/courses/176963 ).
Poll Everywhere We will use Poll Everywhere to facilitate in-class discussions and quizzes.
Technology You will need to have access to a PC to complete the programming components of homework assignments. You will also need internet connection so that you can access email, class website, Ed discussion, and Canvas. Students can borrow equipment and access other learning technology from the Lathrop Learning Hub
Readings Reading assignments for each lecture will be posted at least 1 week in advance. You are expected to have read those materials before the lecture. The readings will be primarily selected from the following textbooks accessible through your Stanford account:
- CC: The Calculus of Computation by Aaron Bradley and Zohar Manna (online version).
- DP: Decision Procedures: An Algorithmic Point of View by Daniel Kroening and Ofer Strichman (online version).
- MI: A Mathematical Introduction to Logic by Herbert B. Enderton (online version).
Office Hours
*Office hours by appointment after the week of Dec. 4- Caroline: Wednesdays (12pm-1pm) in Gates 470;
- Andrew: Tuesdays (9am-10pm) in Gates 498;
- Hanna: Mondays (2pm-3pm) in Gates 104 and Thursdays (3pm-4pm) in room Gates 498.
There will be 3 written homework assignments given in the first half of the quarter. The assignments contain problem sets that evaluate your understanding of the concepts and proof techniques covered in class and the reading. Two of the assignments also have programming components, where you will gain experience on using automated reasoning tools. Homework will be due before class (10:00 AM) and submitted on Canvas. Please do not email your homework to the course staff unless asked. Solutions will be available online shortly after the deadline once every student has submitted their solution.- Assignment 1, released 10/2, due Wednesday 10/11
- Assignment 2, released 10/11, due Friday 10/20
- Assignment 3, released 10/20, due Monday 10/30
There will be one take-home midterm exam, which will contain problems similar in style to the homework assignments. Preparing for the exam will enable you to reinforce your understanding of the key concepts and proof techniques covered in the first half of the quarter. It will cover lectures 1 through 8 (except for lecture 5). The take-home midterm will be released on Thursday, Nov. 2, at 7:00 AM. It will be available for 48 hours until Saturday, Nov. 4 at 7:00 AM. The exam is expected to take 2 hours. A room on campus will be provided for those who wish to take the exam there. We ask that you take the exam at home if you are able as the reserved room will likely not be large enough to accommodate everyone. There will be a 1 hour review session on Tuesday, Oct. 31, from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM in Gates B12, where students will have the opportunity to ask questions.Final Project
You will carry out a course project in the second half of the quarter. You are expected to work in teams of two, but may choose to work individually in special circumstances with permission from the course staff. You have two options for the course project:Option 1: Implement a decision procedure and an optimization of it. Present an experimental evaluation of your implementation. For example, the decision procedure could be the DPLL procedure, the optimization could be watched literals, and the evaluation could be (subsets of) benchmarks from the recent SAT competition.
Option 2: Work on a research problem related to automated reasoning. Suitable projects include improving an existing automated reasoning technique, or applying automated reasoning techniques to solve a domain-specific challenge.
You are encouraged to consult with an instructor to determine if your project is adequate for the course. The deliverables of the course project include:
- a 1-page project proposal summarizing your selected project direction and goals, explaining your proposed deliverables and plan of work, and outlining a plan for experimental evaluation. Due date: 11/06/23
- a 4-5 page project report detailing your selected project direction and goal, explaining your methods and completed work, presenting experimental evaluation, and summarizing your findings. Due date: 12/12/23
- Code or proof artifact so that the course staff may reproduce your experimental results and understand your methods in detail. Due date 12/12/23
Course Policies
Category | Grades % | Notes |
Attendance and participation in class | 15% | 3 conditional absence "passes" (see below) Arrival/departure > 10 min late/early counts as an absence |
Homework | 40% | Eligible for late days One can be revised for extra credit |
Midterm | 20% | Not eligible for late days Can be revised for extra credit |
Final Project | 25% | Only project proposal is eligible for late days |
Non-SCPD student gets 3 “passes” to be physically absent from class without losing participation points, provided that you:- watch the recording; and
- complete and submit the in-class exercises within a week.
We understand circumstances may arise that will interfere with your ability to attend class, such as feeling sick or needing to quarantine for the safety of everyone. In light of these considerations, we request that you:
- skip class if you are feeling sick, especially if you have any COVID-19 symptoms;
- watch the lecture recording posted on Canvas;
- complete the in-class quiz asynchronously;
- remember that you have 3 absence “passes”;
- meet with the course staff afterwards to ask questions and get caught up.
Other Logistics
Collaboration: You are encouraged to discuss assignments with other students. However, each student must independently write their own solution to homework assignments. Submitting solutions or code written by another person is a violation of the Honor Code. See: honor code and collaboration for some general guidelines, which apply to both project assignments and problem sets.Accommodations: Students who may need an academic accommodation based on the impact of a disability must initiate the request with the Office of Accessible Education (OAE). Professional staff will evaluate the request with required documentation, recommend reasonable accommodations, and prepare an Accommodation Letter for faculty dated in the current quarter in which the request is being made. Students should contact the OAE as soon as possible since timely notice is needed to coordinate accommodations. The OAE is located at 563 Salvatierra Walk; phone: 723-1066; web site http://studentaffairs.stanford.edu/oae.