Stat 300A : Homeworks

Homeworks will be posted every Wednesday starting on 9/26. They are due the following Wednesday.

HW should be sumbmitted via Gradescope. All enrolled students are automatically added to Gradescope, but you must use the email address associated with your SUNet ID for your Gradescope account. If you have not used Gradescope with this email address before, you will first need to create an account with this address. Corrected homeworks can viewed through Gradedscope.

Homework 1 Due on 10/3 Solutions
Homework 2 Due on 10/10 Solutions
Homework 3 Due on 10/17Solutions
Homework 4 Due on 10/24Solutions
Homework 5 Due on 11/7 Solutions
Homework 6 Due on 11/14Solutions
Homework 7 Due on 11/28Solutions
Homework 8 Due on 12/5Solutions