Math 220/CME 303, Autumn 2019

TuTh 1:30am-2:50pm, McCullough 115

Jonathan Luk (jluk AT stanford DOT edu)
Office: 382-Z
Office hours: W 10:30am-11:30am or by appointment

Teaching Assistant:
Qiuye Jia (jqy AT stanford DOT edu)
Office hours: M 7pm-9pm (380-380W), F 3-5pm (Huang basement, or ICME lobby if crowded) or by appointment

Partial Differential Equations: An accessible route through theory and applications by A. Vasy

Syllabus can be found here.

Schedule can be found here.

Lecture notes: (Canvas login required. Thanks to Andras Vasy for providing them!)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Practice Midterms: (Thanks to Qiuye for writing the solutions!)
Practice midterm Solutions
(Fun) practice midterm

Midterm: (Thanks to Qiuye for writing the solutions!)
Midterm Solutions (Mean: 66.46, 25-th percentile: 52, Median: 68, 75-th percentile 80)

Final exam from 2009: (Thanks to Andras Vasy for providing them!)
Exam Solutions

Final: (Thanks to Qiuye for writing the solutions!)
Final Solutions (Mean: 169.5, 25-th percentile: 158, Median: 176, 75-th percentile 189)

Homework Assignments: (Thanks to Qiuye for writing the solutions!)
Assignment 1 Solutions
Assignment 2 Solutions
Assignment 3 Solutions
Assignment 4 Solutions
Assignment 5 Solutions
Assignment 6 Solutions
Assignment 7 Solutions
Assignment 8 Solutions
Assignment 9 (For practice only - do not turn in!) Solutions

12/10: The final will be in 530-127.
10/24: As announced in class, since we have not covered Fourier transform in class yet, I have removed the last problem in HW5.
10/3: As announced in class, since we have not covered differentiation of distributions in class yet, I have removed the last problem in HW2.
10/1: Qiuye's office hours on Wednesday is now moved to 6-8pm.
9/29: The room for office hours on Monday evenings will be 380-380W.
9/25: The room for office hours on Wednesday evenings will be 380-380W, except for 10/16 and 11/6 with location TBD.