Summer 2013: I have started posting publications at

A selection

Books in progress

Automotive Archaeology - with Jon Summers for The Revs Program at Stanford.

Ten Things - an archaeological view of design.

Borderlands - Tyne to Tweed - a regional archaeology of the Roman north - as chorography.

A textbook - with Gary Devore for Oxford University Press.

Books in print

The archaeological imagination - Left Coast Press, 2012.

Archaeology in the Making - edited with Bill Rathje and Chris Witmore - discussion about the state of archaeology with Sue Alcock, Lewis Binford, Victor Buchli, John Cherry, Meg Conkey, George Cowgill, Ian Hodder, Kristian Kristiansen, Mark Leone, Randall McGuire, Lynn Meskell, Mary and Adrian Praetzellis, Colin Renfrew, Michael Schiffer, Alain Schnapp, Patty Jo Watson, Alison Wylie. Routledge 2012.

Archaeology - the discipline of things - with Bjornar Olsen, Tim Webmoor and Chris Witmore. University of California Press, 2012.

Archaeologies of Presence - a publication of the Presence Project. Routledge, 2012

Archaeologies of the Modern - edited with Jeffrey Schnapp and Matthew Tiews - 2004
(Special issue of the journal Modernism/Modernity)

Theatre/Archaeology - with Mike Pearson - Routledge, 2001

Art and the Early Greek State - Cambridge University Press, 1999

Classical Archaeology of Greece Routledge, 1996

Interpreting Archaeology: Finding Meaning in the Past - edited with Ian Hodder, Alexandra Alexandri, Victor Buchli, John Carman, Jonathan Last and Gavin Lucas. Routledge, 1995

Experiencing the Past Routledge, 1992

ReConstructing Archaeology - with Chris Tilley. Cambridge University Press, 1987

Social Theory and Archaeology - with Chris Tilley. Blackwell Polity, 1987

Some papers, essays, articles, talks

Home, craft, food, place - a view of the long term - Rocking Cs Ranch, Montana, July 2013

Autosuggestion - a work of theatre/archaeology with Mike Pearson, June 2013

Archaeology and photography - a pragmatology - with Connie Svabo and for a new collection of studies investigating archaeology's contemporary relevances - Reclaiming Archaeology (Routledge, 2013), edited by Alfredo Ruibal

Chorography - then and now - for a workshop on chorography, Durham July 2012

Mobile media photography: new modes of engagement - with Connie Svabo and for a book about digital snapshot photography

Heritage and the Arts: a paradigm in design - The Reinwardt Memorial Lecture - Amsterdam May 2012

Heritage - a design paradigm - and other topics - a series of seminars and lectures, Göteborg February 2012

Archaeologies of Presence - Routledge, April 2012 - one of the publications of the Presence Project

Innovation and the Humanities - Dublin 2011

The Revs Program at Stanford - launched April 2011

Human-centered Design - Dublin 2010 - three talks on the role of the Humanities in design, strategic planning, and cultural policy. Humanities Institute of Ireland - November 2010

Echoes of the past - antiquarians, chorography and topography - a new piece with Chris Witmore for the journal Performance Research - Summer 2010

FARO at Tongeren - the future of cultural heritage management - a commentary, of sorts, on The European Convention of Faro: Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (Council of Europe, 2005) - Tongeren (Flanders, Belgium) - February 2010

The Hill of Tara: an undecidable - intervention at an international symposium held at University College Dublin - October 2009

Archaeology - risk society - with Chris Witmore - a statement about archaeology's place in contemporary society - full title "Memory practices and the archaeological imagination in risk society: design and long term community" - connects with the work of Stanford Strategy Studio

A theory of assemblage - TAG (Theoretical Archaeology Group) 2009 Stanford - the (in)famous archaeology conference series has arrived in the US!

Designing digital media - perspectives from the Humanities and Arts - a talk for a colloquium at Stanford in association with the INVENTIO initiative - April 2009

Presence - the conference - Exeter University UK March 2009 - the Presence Project came to this culmination after five years work. I introduced Lynn Hershman and delivered a keynote. A book from Routledge Archaeologies of Presence is on the way.

Scott and Gell - Walter Scott and William Gell: from Marmion to the Morea - some lessons in topography and topology for contemporary reconstructions of antiquity. A talk at Brown University - March 2009

Long term perspectives on innovation - Emerce Rotterdam - an interview with Erwin Boogert of Emerce magazine (Netherlands) - December 2008

Life Squared SFMOMA - our work with Lynn Hershman Leeson reached San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - November 2008 - February 2009

International Advisory Board, Rotterdam - I have joined this prestigious group to offer perspectives on cultural heritage as an essential component of economic development in the largest port in the world - [link] - November 2008 - May 2011

Next Web Salon, Amsterdam - a small group of Dutch (mainly) information technophiles. I talked about storytelling and the web - September 2008 [link]

Video as social agent - introduction to three new works commissioned by the Tate Gallery - September 2008

The (digital) future of the university museum - keynote at the UMAC Conference, Manchester UK - September 2008

Digital Humanities - a vision - some thoughts from summer 2008

Designing digital tool kits for the Arts and Humanities - an intervention at "Bamboo" Planning Project, Berkeley April 29 2008 (a project between Berkeley and Chicago to work with the Mellon Foundation in building infrastructures and tool kits for research in the Arts and Humanities)

Figure-ground relationships and the archaeological imagination - Keynote at "Art is History" - graduate symposium, San José State University - April 12 2008

Archive and memory in virtual worlds - for the Media X Annual Conference, Stanford - discussion with Pat Hanrahan, Vladlen Koltun, Byron Reeves and Jeremy Bailenson - March 2008

Entitled Opinions - with Robert Harrison - a radio talk on KZSU about the origins of agriculture (and much more) - February 5 2008

Artereality - a manifesto for arts education in the US - written with Jeffrey Schnapp (Stanford Humanities Lab) for a new collection - Art School: Propositions for the 21st Century, edited by Steven Madoff, (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2009)

Cultural Property - for the Oxford Companion to Law - 2008.

TAG 2007 York UK - reworking Shanks and Tilley - a conference session looking back at my work in the 80s with Chris Tilley - December 2007.

Collaboration and research networks in the Humanities - Getty Research Institute - November 2007.

The future of the museum - discussion with Dominic Willsdon and Rudolf Frieling of San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - November 2007

Life Squared - an animated archive - a talk in Manchester - Manchester Whitworth Gallery - November 2007 - A symposium on Lynn Hershman - Document

Beyond Powerpoint - Google tech talk on presentation software - November 2007.

With Lynn Hershman in Seed Magazine - October 2007 - discussing our particular conjuncture of art and science.

Nine archaeological theses on design - ideas towards the book Archaeology - the discipline of things.

Symmetrical Archaeology - World Archaeology 39 (4): 589-96 (2007). Also appears in Spanish in Complutum 18: (2007)

Symbolic and structural archaeology Looking back over 25 years of archaeological thinking, 25 years since the publication of "Symbolic and structural archaeology" - just reprinted by Cambridge University Press. Thoughts about the book and its impact on archaeology - comments about the way archaeology works in universities, about communities of academics, rather than about the ideas behind processual and postprocessual archaeology.

Life Squared Montreal - September - December 2007 - a manifestation of the mixed reality archive of Lynn's work at the Dante Hotel, San Francisco 1972

KZSU - radio interview on the archaeological imagination - May 2007

Politics of Presence - a colloquium at Stanford, part of the research workshop Critical studies in new media - May 2007

Archive 3.0 - the colloquium - a Stanford Humanities Lab brain trust - Stanford Humanities Center - May 2007

Social theory - for a new encyclopaedia of archaeology.

An interview with Douglass Bailey - Studii de Preistorie 3 : 5-10 (2005/2006) . (Bucharest). An IM conversation May 16 2006.

Collaboration Some experiences and comments. For a colloquium at Stanford Humanities Center. February 2007.

Archaeology and the visual More on media and archaeology, this time for the Sawyer seminar at Stanford Humanities Center - Visualizing Knowledge. January 2007.

Landscape, Archaeology, Chorography: encounters in the Scottish borders. A talk at Brown University, December 2006. Here I connect new ideas about media as mode of engagement (see below) with regional and landscape archaeology - sketching out deep-mapping as a project in a contemporary chorography, that old antiquarian genre.

Media as modes of engagement - remarks on antiquarians in the Scottish borders. Society for the Social Study of Science, meetings in Vancouver November 2006. This reflects upon how media, new and old, work in scientific disciplines, indeed how we understand media generally. The idea of medium as mode of engagement is worked out here and in several other papers listed below.

Digital media, agile design and the politics of archaeological authorship in T. Clack and M. Brittain (eds) Media and Archaeology, Left Coast Press, 2007. New approaches to the design of information in an heretical empirics. A talk originally given at TAG 2004, Glasgow.

Postprocessual archaeology and after in C. Chippindale and H. Maschner (eds) Handbook of Archaeological Method and Theory, Walnut Creek, Altamira, 2007

Symmetrical archaeology - talk TAG (Theoretical Archaeology Group) Sheffield UK, December 2005

The science question in archaeology - 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science) conference October 2005 Pasadena California - [link]

Archaeology, Modernism, Modernity Editors’ introduction to Archaeologies of the Modern a special issue of Modernism/Modernity 11:1–16 (2004)

The Perfume of Garbage: Modernity and the Archaeological with William L. Rathje and David Platt, Modernism/Modernity 11:61–83 (2004) - Special Issue Archaeologies of the Modern

Three rooms: archaeology and performance Journal of Social Archaeology 4: 147–180 (2004)

Media - eigenvectors - defining the design characteristics of media in the light of information science and technology - a conversation between media architect Sam Schillace and Michael Shanks

Metamedia - a discussion document from the consolidation of my lab (Metamedia) in 2003 - originally drafted with Cliff McLucas in Sicily in 1999 - first definition of medium as "mode of engagement"

Archaeology/politics in J. Bintliff (ed) The Blackwell Companion to Archaeology, Oxford, Blackwell, 2004

Archaeology - the implications for historiography Microlecture in Traumwerk - CHAT Conference Bristol 2003 - [link]

Towards an archaeology of performance Paper introducing and discussing the session Creating an archaeology of performance, SAA Meetings, Denver 2002

The future of the past in post-industrial society Lecture delivered in Örebro 2001. Later appeared in H. Westin (ed) Industrial Heritage as Force in Democratic Society, Stockholm, National Heritage Board, 2001

Culture/Archaeology: the dispersion of a discipline and its objects] in I. Hodder (ed) Archaeological Theory Today: Breaking the Boundaries, Cambridge, Blackwell Polity, 2001

Photography and the archaeological image - in B. Molyneaux (ed) The Cultural Life of Images: Visual Representation in Archaeology, London, Routledge, 1997

Landscape - Bohuslän with Mark Johnson. World Archaeology Congress, Delhi 1994. Moving from and against phenomenological understanding of landscape

The archaeological imagination - for Evzen Neustupny in M. Kuna and N. Venclová (eds) Whither archaeology: archaeology at the end of the millennium: papers dedicated to Evzen Neustupny, Archaeological Institute, Prague 1993

The life of an artifact Lecture (edited) delivered in Leiden - 1993. Later appeared in Fennoscandia Archeologica 15:15–42 (1998)

Archaeologies of the contemporary past Lecture (edited and translated from the original French) delivered in Paris - 1993. Later appeared in A. Schnapp (ed) Une Archéologie du Passé Récent?, Paris, Fondation Maison des Sciences de L’Homme, 1997

Critical romanticism on a visit to the past - outline of an archaeological poetics, heritage gratifications, and the archaeological imagination. A talk in Helsinki 1992.

e-publication - weblog on all things archaeological

archaeographer - portfolios in archaeography

Traumwerk - archaeological dreamwork - under reconstruction

Three Rooms - an archaeology of three performances - migrating

Sicily - 33 archaeological moments - migrating

Microlecture - Archaeology - implications for historiography

Microlecture - Archaeology::three antitheses

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