Colin Kincaid

Instructor: Colin Kincaid
Gates B02
Mon-Thu 12:30-1:30PM

The instructor teaches lectures and manages the overall course. Contact the instructor if you have a question that cannot be answered by your section leader; the SLs are your primary email contact for all questions about homework or other course issues. Please also cc your section leader and/or Head TA. In addition to at his office hours, please feel free to ask Colin questions before/after any lecture.

Annie Hu

Head TA: Annie Hu
Gates B02
Sun, Wed 5-7PM

The Head TA manages the section leaders and also oversees important course activities such as grading and section problems. Contact the Head TA if you need a regrade on an assignment, or have a question that cannot be answered by your section leader; the SLs are your primary email contact for all questions about homework or other course issues. Please also cc your section leader and/or instructor.

Section Leaders

Your section leader is your primary point of contact if you need help with homework, grading, section or most other course issues. To find out who your section leader is, or the time/place of your section, click on the "View My Section" link in the "Section" dropdown at the top.

Alex Mallery

Alex Mallery

Arjun Sawhney

Arjun Sawhney

Avery Wang

Avery Wang

Belce Dogru

Belce Dogru

Diego Hernandez

Diego Hernandez

Garrick Fernandez

Garrick Fernandez

Jared Bitz

Jared Bitz

Jennie Yang

Jennie Yang

Jesse Doan

Jesse Doan

Jonathan Gomes Selman

Jonathan Gomes Selman

Matthew Katzman

Matthew Katzman

Meng Zhang

Meng Zhang

Michelle McGhee

Michelle McGhee

Ruiqi Chen

Ruiqi Chen

Shanon Reckinger

Shanon Reckinger

Yoni Lerner

Yoni Lerner

Allison Tielking

Allison Tielking

Connor Meany

Connor Meany

Deanna Garcia

Deanna Garcia

Greg Ramel

Greg Ramel

Drew Bassilakis

Drew Bassilakis