Practice Midterm Solutions

Written by Mehran Sahami

Practice Midterm Solutions

Exam Solutions

Problem 1: Karel the Robot (20 points)

This Karel program creates an inside border around the world.

from karel.stanfordkarel import *

def next_position():
    # Assumes Karel is facing a wall at the end of line of placed
    # beepers and repositions Karel to be facing in direction of next
    # line in the border of beepers that needs to be placed

def handle_border():
    # Assumes Karel starts one avenue before the first beeper to
    # be placed in this line of the border.  Places beepers until
    # Karel reaches a wall, but does not place a beeper on the last
    # corner (where Karel is facing the wall).
    while front_is_clear():
        # We check for any existing beepers, so we don't put
        # two beepers on any of the "corners" of the border
        if no_beepers_present():

def move_up_row():
    # Moves Karel up one row while keeping the same orientation

def turn_right():
    # Karel turns to the right of the direction it is originally facing
    for i in range(3):

def main():
    for i in range(4):

if __name__ == "__main__":

Problem 2: Full program (25 points)


SENTINEL = 0    # the sentinel used to signal the end of the input

def main():
    print('This program finds the two largest integers entered by')
    print('the user.  Enter values, one per line, using a ' + str(SENTINEL))
    print('to signal the end of the input.')

    largest = -1
    second_largest = -1
    while True:
        value = int(input("Enter value: "))
        if value == SENTINEL:
        if value > largest:
            second_largest = largest
            largest = value
        elif value > second_largest:
            second_largest = value

    print('The largest value is ' + str(largest))
    print('The second largest is ' + str(second_largest))

# This provided line is required at the end of a Python file
# to call the main() function.
if __name__ == '__main__':

Problem 3: Lists of lists (25 points)**

def diagonal_line(grid):
    row1 = 0    # Used to store row of 1 in initial grid
    col1 = 0    # Used to store column of 1 in initial grid

    # Find the 1 in the initial grid.  Keep track of position in col1, row1
    for row in range(len(grid)):
        for col in range(len(grid[0])):
            if grid[row][col] == 1:
                row1 = row
                col1 = col

    # Generate the diagonal line of 1's by iterating through the rows of the
    # grid and adding 1's on the diagonal line (making sure not to go off the
    # ends of the grid.
    for row in range(len(grid)):
        # Determine column for new 1 based on row and col1, row1
        col = col1 - row1 + row  
        if col >= 0 and col < len(grid[0]):  # Make sure we don't go off the grid
            grid[row][col] = 1

Problem 4: Images (30 points)

def set_blurred_pixel(img, blur, x, y):
    num_pixels = 0      # Keep track of number of pixels we are averaging over
    red = 0             # Used to determine average red value
    green = 0           # Used to determine average green value
    blue = 0            # Used to determine average blue value

    # Loop over all the "neighbors" of the pixel at location (x, y)
    for row in range(y - 1, y + 2):         # loop over y values of neighbor pixels
        for col in range(x - 1, x + 2):     # loop over x values of neighbor pixels
            # Make sure the neighboring pixel we try to get is not off the image
            if row >= 0 and row < img.height and col >= 0 and col < img.width:
                num_pixels += 1
                # Recall that row is the y value and col is the x value
                red += img.get_pixel(col, row).red
                green += img.get_pixel(col, row).green
                blue += img.get_pixel(col, row).blue

    # Set pixel in blurred image to be average of red, green, and blue values,
    # respectively, from pixels in neighborhood of pixel in the original image
    pixel = blur.get_pixel(x, y) = red // num_pixels = green // num_pixels = blue // num_pixels

def create_blurred_image(img):
    width = img.width
    height = img.height

    # Create a new blank image that will be set to be the blurred image
    blur = SimpleImage.blank(width, height)

    for y in range(height):
        for x in range(width):
            # Set blurred pixel at location (x, y)
            set_blurred_pixel(img, blur, x, y)

    return blur     # return the blurred image

Problem 5: Strings (20 points)

def remove_doubled_letters(str):
    Removes any doubled letters from a string.
    result = ""
    for i in range(len(str)):
        ch = str[i]
        if (i == 0) or (ch != str[i - 1]):
            result += ch
    return result