Assignment due date: Monday, October 2nd, 2017, 6PM
Welcome to CS106B! This assignment is designed
to help you get your development environment set
up and running so that you can compile, run, and
debug programs. There isn't any actual
programming involved, and we hope that this
doesn't take you too much time to complete.
This assignment must be completed individually. Working in groups is not permitted.
- Download and Install Qt Creator
Your first task is to download and install Qt Creator,
the development environment that we'll be using in
CS106B this quarter. To do so, click the “Qt Creator” link
under the “Tools” section on the CS106B website
( and follow the instructions
If you run into trouble installing Qt Creator,
don't panic! We'll be holding a special set of LaIR
hours on Thursday, September 28th specifically to help with
Qt Creator issues.
- Download the Name Hasher Program
Hash Your Name!
Compile and run the program you've just downloaded.
It will ask you to enter your (preferred) first and
last names. When you do, it will give back a hash code,
a special number associated with your name (we will
discuss hash codes in CS106B!). You can
think of your hash code as a “fingerprint”
associated with your name that's unlikely to be the
same as anyone else's fingerprint. Write this
number down; you'll need it to complete the assignment!
Use the Debugger!
Download the following PDF:
Debugger Tutorial
This tutorial will walk you
through how to use the debugger to run program you
just downloaded one step at a time. Follow the
instructions in that guide. At some point, you'll be
asked to write down a number. Write this number
down; you'll need it to complete the assignment!
Read about the Honor Code
You are required to read the handout on the Stanford
Honor Code on the CS106B website before submitting
assignments in this class. Take a minute to read over
it before proceeding to the final step.
Make an account at
Please go to the following website and create an account.
We will be using CodeStepByStep this quarter (minimally)
so that you can get practice on the topics we cover.
Submit Everything!
Once you've finished everything, fill out the form at
the following URL:
This form will ask for the numbers from Step Three and
Step Four, along with some questions about the Honor
Code, who you are and why you're so great. And that's
it! You're done!