Meet the teaching team

Photo of Sean Szumlanski
Instructor: Sean
🕘 Office Hours
MWF 12:20 - 1:20 PM, Parade to Durand 331-B
Photo of Clinton Kwarteng
Head TA: Clinton
🕘 Office Hours
Thursday and Friday 3- 5 PM, Durand 303

Instructor and TA office hours are open to all students, no sign up necessary, just drop in. Come ask your questions about concepts from lecture, request assignment help, and chat with us about Computer Science, advice, and life.

Section leaders

CS106B would not be possible without our wonderful team of undergraduate section leaders! In addition to leading small group sections, the SLs collectively run LaIR helper hours. LaIR is open for student questions and assignment help SMTuWTh evenings, 7:00 - 11:00 PM. More info about LaIR.