Linked Lists

Tuesday, August 6

Due Tuesday, August 6 at 11:59 PM

  • Submit to Paperless. Deadline is 11:59 PM.
  • The late day policy gives you the ability to self-grant an extension (as long as you have not used all your late days); we trust you will make reasonable and sparing use of this power. Be sure to reserve late days for emergencies.
  • Reminder: You have a limited pool of late days. You have a total of 4 late days to use throughout the quarter, but you cannot use more than 2 late days per assignment. Late days are expended in 24-hour blocks. See the Assignments page for more details.

Last week, you gained experience working with pointers in the context of arrays and dynamic memory allocation. This week, you further strengthen your pointer skills by manipulating linked lists. The pointed-based linked structures are a fundamentally different way of representing sequences than the array-based approaches you worked with in the previous assignment, and this assignment aims to build your familiarity with the joys, trials, and tribulations of working with linked lists. Along the way, you'll also deepen your understanding of some different real-world sorting algorithms. By completing the following tasks, you will become a master of pointers and linked structures – to the point where you'll finally be able to proclaim with confidence, Thank U->Next!

This assignment is to be completed individually. Working in pairs/groups is not permitted.

Learning goals

  • Students will continue to build and improve their skills of working with pointers.
  • Students will be able to use their knowledge of pointers to traverse and investigate linked data structures in the debugger.
  • Students will understand the fundamental differences between storing data in contiguous memory location as compared to organizing data pointer links.
  • Students will gain practice with different "idioms" of linked list usage, including pointer rewiring and insertion/removal of nodes from linked lists.
  • Students will understand the difference in approach of different real-world sorting algorithms and resulting performance tradeoffs.

Assignment parts

This assignment consists of three parts: two warmup problems (warmup.cpp and labyrinth.cpp), and then a single programming task on linked lists (sorting.cpp).

  • Memory Debugging Warmup

    A collection of tools and strategies to prep you for working with linked lists.

  • Labyrinth

    A hybrid coding/debugging exercise where you’ll trace through pointers in the debugger to escape from a labyrinth.

  • Sorting Linked Lists

    A classic programming task: reordering the nodes of a linked list into sorted order.

Getting started

📦 Starter project

The starter project is provided as a zip archive. Download the zip, extract the files, and move the project folder to your CS106B folder. Open the .pro file in Qt Creator to get started.


Here are resources that will be helpful for this assignment:

Getting help

Working very closely with raw memory, pointers, and linked data structures will be challenging. We recommend drawing lots of diagrams and making good use of the debugger.

As always, we're here to help you if you get stuck. The Ed forum is open 24/7 for general discussion. Always start by searching first to see if your question has already been asked and answered before making a new post. To troubleshoot a problem with your specific code, your best bet is to bring it to the LaIR helper hours or office hours.


Before you call it done, run through our submit checklist to be sure all your ts are crossed and is dotted. Then upload your completed files to Paperless for grading.

Please submit only the files you edited; for this assignment, these files will be

  • labyrinth.cpp
  • sorting.cpp
  • short_answer.txt

🏁 Submit to Paperless