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Special Journal Issues:

The IWSHM Organizing Committee is proud to announce that authors of outstanding papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their manuscripts for publication in Special Issues of the Aerospace and Sensors.

Outstanding papers will be invited by members of the IWSHM Organizing Committee who will also act as Guest Editors of the Special Issues. Details will be published in due course.

IWSHM Journals


This Special Issue is cooperating with the 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring. Authors of outstanding papers presented in this conference are invited to submit extended versions of their work to the special issue for publication.

Manuscripts are sought that report new research in the field of aerospace on:

  • Selection process of monitored structure
  • Specification and validation of monitoring concepts
  • Selection process of suitable sensing systems
  • Integration of SHM into a Usage/PHM monitoring and management system
  • Handling and management of data/SHM information for maintenance and operational decision support
  • Certification approach
  • Keywords: Sensors, Maintenance Management System, PHM/SHM, Certification, FAA, EASA, CBM

    Click here for the special issue announcement "Selected Papers from IWSHM 2019" in the Aerospace Journal.

    IWSHM Journals


    Authors of outstanding papers related to: Novel “smart” sensors, sensors for extreme environments, MEMS/NEMS sensors, fiber optics, piezoelectric, magneto-electric sensors, CNT sensors, etc.
    will be invited to submit extended versions of their work to the special issue for publication.

    Click here for the special issue announcement in the Sensors Journal.