Linguist 130a/230a – Section

This page is for the section accompanying Linguist 130a/230a. We will build on the technical tools introduced in the lecture, practice their use, and explore the similarities and differences of what we are doing with logic.

New materials will be added weekly (see below). You can also ask any course-related questions and do not have to be at the session for the whole time.

Topic Materials
Week 2
  1. General Q&A
  2. Basic set theory
  1. Basic set theory concepts [answer key]
Week 3
  1. Compound nouns
Week 4
  1. Working with the semantic grammar
  1. Practice problems [answer key]
Week 5
  1. Quantifiers
  1. Some formal analyses of determiners
Week 6
  1. Midterm exam review
  1. Practice midterm exam
Week 7
  1. Conversational implicature
  1. Conversational implicature derivations and tests [answer key]
Week 8
  1. Testing for different kinds of meaning
  1. Using our tests for different kinds of meaning example answers]
Week 9
  1. Vagueness and context dependence
  1. Review of vagueness and context dependence, including the Syrett et al. results
Week 10
  1. Final exam review
  1. Practice final exam