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TUTORIAL: Clinical PET - Neurology

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  • Neurological Scan Evaluation
  • PET and Brain Function
  • Metabolic Development of the Brain
  • Alzheimer's Disease
  • Brain Tumors
  • Developmental Errors
  • Infantile Spasms
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Trauma

  • Developmental Errors

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    In a neuronal migrational error, neurons fail to migrate to their proper final destination. In this neonatal patient, one sees that the cortical neurons have failed to reach the region outside the red boundary. The "clumping" of the neurons just inside the boundary produces a hypermetabolic signal in the PET image.

    Click on image above to view full-size image.

    In athetoid cerebral palsy, the thalamus fails to develop. Athetosis produces slow, writhing movements of the hands and fingers (and in some cases of the toes).

    Click on image above to view full-size image.

    This PET scan is from a patient with focal cortical dysplasia & epilepsy. The neurons in a focus of the cerebral cortex have developed improperly, resulting in a region of hypometabolism and producing epilepsy.

    Click on image above to view full-size image.

    In a developmental language disorder, one finds hypometabolism in the cortical region responsible for language.


    Material for this section was kindly provided by:

    Michael E. Phelps, Ph.D.
    Dept. of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology
    UCLA School of Medicine

    Harry T. Chugani, M.D.
    Pediatric PET Center
    Children's Hospital
    Wayne State University

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