
We know that you are working hard on completing your assignments and that this work forms the primary mechanism for learning and mastering concepts in CS106B. If, after completing an assignment, you have a solid and confident understanding of how and why your code works, you are on the right track toward a deep understanding of CS106B's core concepts! Since assignments focus on specific topics throughout the course progression, it can be valuable to have additional summative opportunities to assess your learning and receive feedback on your progress.

To adapt to the online learning format being used, we want you to have the opportunity for assessment but with lower stakes and less stress than a traditional exam format would have. Therefore, we are going to experiment with a different format for assessments: a low-stakes mid-quarter diagnostic with a self-reflection component and a creative end-quarter personal project you develop and present your own final exam or section problem.

These assessments will feature opportunities for feedback, check-ins, and self reflection, as well as interactive discussion with your section leader. This interactive discussion allows two-way communication where you can demonstrate what you've learned and respond to questions from your section leader.

We will have more information about these assessments as the quarter progresses. Our primary focus is to take advantage of the virtual learning environment to create assessments that will allow you to demonstrate what you’ve learned in the class rather than testing you under strict time constraints as in a traditional exam. If you have any concerns about the assessment structure, please feel free to reach out to the course staff.