C++ Classes

CS 106B: Programming Abstractions

Autumn 2020, Stanford University Computer Science Department

Lecturers: Chris Gregg and Julie Zelenski

An image with a pile of boxes, which are modeling objects that we will demonstrate in the use of classes

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  • Assignment 4 is out and will be due on Friday.

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Today's Goals:

  • Introduce C++ Classes
  • Discuss Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Talk about encapsulation as it relates to classes and objects

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Introduction to C++ Classes

An image of a 'Lunchable' which contains lunch food, including meat, crackers, cheese, dessert, etc.

  • We have talked about structs already (briefly), and we'll start with them now. Structs give us the ability to package data into one place. The types of the data do not have to be the same, so we could store strings, ints, bools, etc. We could say that structs are the "Lunchable" of the C++ world – they package different elements together so we can use them together:
    struct Lunchable {
      string meat;
      string dessert;
      int numCrackers;
      bool hasCheese;
  • But why stop at data? If we're packaging stuff up, let's also package up the functions. It would be really nice if we could do this:
    struct Lunchable {
      string meat;
      string dessert;
      int numCrackers;
      bool hasCheese;
      int countCalories(); // what? A function?
  • Guess what? We **can** do this!
  • Once we have the ability to package up data and functions into one structure, we have a super-powerful tool, called an object that knows how to perform functions on itself, and carries around its own data.
  • So-called Object Oriented Programming has led to the creation of most of the large programs we use today. An image of Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was Mr. Universe, with an image of a Lunchable superimposed on his face

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The need for new types

  • A C++ "class" is simply a very-slightly modified struct (details to follow).
  • As with structs, we sometimes want new types:
    • A calendar program might want to store information about dates, but C++ does not have a Date type. 

    • A student registration system needs to store info about students, but C++ has no Student type. 

    • A music synthesizer app might want to store information about users' accounts, but C++ has no Instrument type.

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Elements of a Class

  • member variables: State inside each object.
    • Also called "instance variables" or "fields"
    • Declared as private
    • Each object created has a copy of each field.
  • member functions: Behavior that executes inside each object.
    • Also called "methods"
    • Each object created has a copy of each method.
    • The method can interact with the data inside that object.
  • constructor: Initializes new objects as they are created.
    • Sets the initial state of each new object.
    • Often accepts parameters for the initial state of the fields.

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The Class Interface Divide

  • When building a class, we provide an interface to the user of the class that details how the class works. The user often does not have access to the code itself, but the interface (and any other documentation) usually suffices to use the class properly.
    • The interface is generally put into a header file, e.g., name.h
    • The client of the class reads the header file to get the declarations so it can compile its own code to use the class
    • The header file shows the class functions and variables (even though some may be private – see post on stack exchange about why)
  • The source code for the class is held in a .cpp file, e.g., name.cpp.
    • The .cpp file is written by the implementer of the class, and they implement all of the class functions.
    • This is often delivered to the user in compiled form, or in a library. The client generally does not have or need access to this code (though you can get it for open source code libraries)

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Structure of a header file

// classname.h
#pragma once

class ClassName {
    // class definition
  • The pragma once declaration basically says, "if you see this file more than once while compiling, ignore it after the first time" (so the compiler doesn't think you're trying to define things more than once)

  • In more detail:
    // in ClassName.h
    class ClassName {
        ClassName(parameters);          // constructor
        returnType func1(parameters);   // member functions
        returnType func2(parameters);   // (behavior inside
        returnType func3(parameters);   //  each object)
        type var1;    // member variables
        type var2;    // (data inside each object)
        type func4(); // (private function)
  • Any class instance can directly use anything defined as public, but you never directly call a constructor. To create an instance of a class, you declare it like this in simple cases (just like declaring a variable):
    MyClass a;
  • A client can call all public functions, e.g.,
  • A class instance cannot directly use anything defined as private:
    MyClass a; // declare an instance called "a"
    a.var1 = 2; // ERROR! "var1" is a private variable
    a.func4(); // ERROR! "func4" is a private function

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Constructors and (eventually) Destructors

// in MyClass.h
class MyClass {
    MyClass(); // default constructor
    MyClass(parameters); // constructor
  • When a class instance is created, we say that it is constructed:
    string s1; // uses default constructor
    string s2("I'm a string"); // uses a constructor
                               // that takes 1 string parameter
    string s3 = "I'm a string"; // different! (we'll get to that) 

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The Implicit Parameter

  • The implicit parameter for a class is the object on which the member function is called.
    • During the call chris.withdraw(...), the object named chris is the implicit parameter. 

    • During the call julie.withdraw(...), the object named julie is the implicit parameter. 

    • The member function can refer to that object's member variables.
      • We say that it executes in the context of a particular object.
      • The function can refer to the data of the object it was called on.
      • It behaves as if each object has its own copy of the member functions.

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The this pointer

  • In C++ has a this pointer to refer to the current object (this is similar to self in Python)
    • Syntax: this->member
    • Common usage: In the constructor, so parameter names can match the names of the object's member variables:
      BankAccount::BankAccount(string name, double balance) {
          this->name = name;
          this->balance = balance;
    • this uses -> not . because it is a pointer. We'll discuss pointers soon!

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Let's work on an example: the Fraction class

An image showing 3/4

  • As an example of a class, we're going to define a Fraction class that can deal with rational numbers directly, without decimals.
  • We are going to walk through the class one step at a time, demonstrating the various parts of a class as we go.

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Questions we must answer about the Fraction class

An image showing 3/8 + 6/4

  • What data should the class hold?
  • What kinds of functions (public / private) should our class have?
  • What constructors could we have?
  • What is a good value for a default fraction?

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Fraction Class Outline

class Fraction {
 // Things we want the class clients to see go here

 // Things we want to encapsulate from the clients go here

  • What data should a Fraction class have?
    • A numerator and a denominator:
      class Fraction {
       // Things we want the class clients to see go here
          int num;   // the numerator
          int denom; // the denominator
    • Why are num and denom private?
      • We want to encapsulate them
  • What functions should a Fraction class have?
    • How about these public functions?
      class Fraction {
          void add(Fraction& f);
          void multiply(Fraction& f);
          double decimal();
          int getNum();
          int getDenom();
          friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, Fraction& frac);    
          int num;   // the numerator
          int denom; // the denominator
  • Why are they public?
    • The client can call them directly
  • What is this friend business? And what is operator<<, etc.?
    • This defines an operator overload to make it possible to use the << operator with cout for our class. We will write the function soon.

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The Fraction class constructors

  • We also need two other functions to construct the class:
    class Fraction {
        Fraction(); // the "default" constructor
        Fraction(int num, int denom); // a second constructor
        void add(Fraction& f);
        void multiply(Fraction& f);
        double decimal();
        int getNum();
        int getDenom();
        friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, Fraction& frac);    
        int num;   // the numerator
        int denom; // the denominator
  • We have to answer what a default fraction should look like
    • 1/1 probably makes sense (but 0/0 does not!)
    • We have a constructor to let the client create a fraction of their own choosing, e.g., 3/4

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Private functions

  • We might want a couple of other functions that will get used behind the scenes. The client does not need them, so they are private.
    • A reduce() function is useful to keep reduced versions of the fractions
    • The reduce() function needs a gcd() (greatest common divisor) to do its magic.
  class Fraction {
      Fraction(); // the "default" constructor
      Fraction(int num, int denom); // a second constructor

      void add(Fraction& f);
      void multiply(Fraction& f);
      double decimal();
      int getNum();
      int getDenom();
      friend ostream& operator<< (ostream& out, Fraction& frac);    

      int num;   // the numerator
      int denom; // the denominator
      void reduce();
      int gcd(int u, int v);

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Last but not least…

  • We have defined most of our fraction.h file, but we do need a couple of things at the top:
    #pragma once
    #include<ostream> // for our operator<< overload
    class Fraction {
        Fraction(); // the "default" constructor
        Fraction(int num, int denom); // a second constructor
        void add(Fraction& f);
        void multiply(Fraction& f);
        double decimal();
        int getNum();
        int getDenom();
        friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& out, Fraction& frac);    
        int num;   // the numerator
        int denom; // the denominator
        void reduce();
        int gcd(int u, int v);

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The Fraction Class – implementation

  • Let's start writing our functions. We do this in our fraction.cpp file, and we have to define the class that each function belongs to. We also cannot forget to include our header file!
    #include "fraction.h"
  • The default constructor is used when someone wants to just create a default fraction:

    Fraction frac;
  • So, here is the default constructor code:
        num   = 1;
        denom = 1;
  • This is pretty simple! We are just setting our two class variables to default values.
  • What is the strange function declaration?
    • We need to tell the compiler what class the function belongs to, and we do that with the class name (Fraction) and the _scope resolutoin operator, two colons, ::`. Because the constructor has the same name as the function, we get this funky syntax:

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The overloaded constructor

  • We also have an overloaded constructor that takes in two values that the user sets. It is called as follows:
    // create a
    // 1/2 fraction
    Fraction fracA(1,2);
    // create a
    // 4/6 fraction
    Fraction fracB(4,6);
  • Here is the code:
    // purpose: an overloaded constructor
    //          to create a custom fraction
    //	        that immediately gets reduced
    // arguments: an int numerator
    //            and an int denominator
    Fraction::Fraction(int num, int denom)
       this->num = num;
       this->denom = denom;
    	// reduce in case we were given 
      // an unreduced fraction
  • Notice that the paramters for our function are the same name as the class variables, num and denom.
    • We must use the this pointer to set the values so we can differentiate them. Here, this refers to whatever instance we have, and it sets the class variables accordingly to the values of the parametesr.

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Fraction multiplication

  • Let's create a couple of fractions and multiply them:
    Fraction fracA(1, 2);
    Fraction fracB(2, 3);
    fracA.multiply(fracB); // fracA now holds 1/3
  • The code for the multiply function looks like this:
    // purpose: to multiply another fraction 
    // with this one, storing the result
    // in this fraction
    // arguments: other: another Fraction
    // return value: none
    void Fraction::multiply(Fraction& other)
        num *= other.num;
        denom *= other.denom; 
        // reduce the fraction

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reduce() and gcd()

  • We have two private functions to write that help us multiply.
  • The reduce() function converts our fraction to a reduced one:
    // purpose: reduce the fraction to lowest terms
    void Fraction::reduce() {
        // find the greatest common divisor
        int frac_gcd = gcd(num,denom);
        // reduce by dividing num and denom by the gcd
        num = num / frac_gcd;
        denom = denom / frac_gcd;
  • The gcd() function is a clever little recursive function that quickly finds the greatest common divisor between two numbers:
    int Fraction::gcd(int u, int v)
        if (v != 0) {
            return gcd(v, u % v);
        } else {
            return u;

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Fraction decimal value

  • The client might want to get the decimal value out of a fraction:
    Fraction fracA(1, 2);
    double f = fracA.decimal();
    cout << f << endl;


  • The code for decimal is pretty simple:
    // purpose: to return the decimal value for this fraction
    // return value: a double representing the decimal value
    double Fraction::decimal() {
        return (double) num / denom; // must cast at least one value
  • We have to cast the numberator to a double, meaning that the compiler will treat it as a double. If we didn't do that, we would end up with integer division, which is not what we want.

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Overloading the << operator

  • In C++, we can make our function utilize standard operators for their own purposes. For example, we could make the less than operator for our class compare our two fractions (see the demo code for an example of the less than operator).
  • Because we might want to print out our fraction in fractional form (instead of decimal form), we can overload the << operator so we can use our class with <<:
    // purpose: To overload the << operator
    // for use with cout
    // arguments: a reference to an outstream and the
    //            fraction we are using
    // return value: a reference to the outstream
    ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, Fraction& frac) {
        out << frac.num << "/" << frac.denom;
        return out;
  • Example:
    Fraction frac(4, 5);
    cout << frac << endl;


    4 / 5