What's where?


EveryCircuit is a circuit simulator that you can use to visualize and understand circuits. It runs in your browser, or as an app on your phone or tablet. We encourage you to use it to “see” how circuits behave, and some homework and prelab questions will be based on it.

The class has a license to unlock the full version, which you should use. License key information for the class is available on this page.


We have a Piazza forum. Please post on your questions on Piazza rather than e-mailing the instructor or TAs: you'll get a faster response, and others will also be able to benefit from the exchange.


Homework assignments, prelabs, and labs should be submitted on Gradescope.

You'll need an entry code to add the course; the entry code is available on this page.


For our Arduino projects, you may find the resources on the Arduino website helpful, though we don't expect that you'll need to consult the documentation much. In particular, the following pages might be useful:


Any terms bolded in the lecture slides will be defined on this page. Also check it out if you're confused about units and symbols.