Let's Play PET - Main Menu
Use the "Menu" button to jump to this Main Menu or click on the Next and Previous buttons to proceed sequentially through the topics and tutorials.
Select one of the following categories to begin the tutorials/topics:
Select one of the following categories to begin the tutorials/topics:
1. Overview of PET
2. Radioisotope Production
3. Nuclear Physics and Tomography
Positron Emission and Image Reconstruction
Positron Emission
Instrumentation and Quality Control
Resolution Requirements
Count Rate Performance
Acquisition Software
Processing Software
Display of Image Data
Hardware Artifacts
Acquisition Artifacts
Processing Artifacts
4. Principles of Tracer Modeling
Kinetic Imaging
Tracer Distribution in Brain over Time
Tracer Distribution in Heart over Time
ROI Analysis
Tissue Curve
Blood Curve
image Quantitation
Qualitative vs. Quantitative Image Analysis
Approaches to Quantitative Image Analysis
Criteria for Quantitative Image Analysis
Parameter Estimation Flowchart
Mathematical Modeling
Single Compartment Model
Discrete Sampling
Plasma Curve
Two Compartment Model
Plasma and Tissue Curves
PET Tracers: Models
Mathematical Models of PET Tracers
Select one of the following tracers:
- Acetate
- Ammonia
- Carbon Dioxide
- Fluorine Ion
- Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)
- Fluorodopa
- Fluoroethylspiperone
- Leucine
- Oxygen
- Water
5. Clinical Applications of PET
Clinical PET - Cardiology
Cardiac Scan Evaluation
Dietary Effects on FDG Metabolism
Parametric Imaging
Polar Maps
Single Vessel Disease
Double Vessel Disease
Myocardial Viability - Mismatch
Myocardial Viability - Match
Ischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Clinical PET - Neurology
Neurological Scan Evaluation
PET and Brain Function
Metabolic Development of the Brain
alzheimer's Disease
Brain Tumors
Developmental Errors
Infantile Spasms
Parkinson's Disease
Clinical PET - Oncology
Oncological Scan Evaluation
Abdomen and Pelvis
Brain Tumors
Head and Neck
Musculoskeletal System
6. Clinical Case Examples
Clinical PET-Cardiology
Case 1
Case 2 (under construction)
Case 3 (under construction)
Case 4 (under construction)
Case 5
Case 6
Credits and References
Clinical PET-Neurology
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
Case 5
Case 6
Case 7
Case 8
Case 9
Case 10
Case 11
Case 12
Credits and References
Clinical PET-Oncology
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
Case 5
Case 6
Credits and References
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LPP WWW Curator: Jim Strommer (jstrommer@mednet.ucla.edu)
Last Updated: September 14, 2000