Welcome to the website for the book,

100% Clean, Renewable Energy and Storage for Everything

by Mark Z. Jacobson is now available from Cambridge University Press directly (link) or Amazon (link). For instructors who might want to adopt the text for a course, a free examination copy can be obtained from this link. For questions, please contact Matt Lloyd at Cambridge mlloyd@cambridge.org. The book was used during Spring 2019 and 2020 for an online Stanford University course of the same name. During Spring 2021, the course will also be online.

Stanford University 12-hour online course from 2023 based on this book: XEIET100 (link)

Stanford University 3-lecture online course from 2016 based on contents of this book: XEIET200 (link)

This book examines the science, engineering, economic, social, and political aspects of transitioning towns, cities, states, countries, businesses, and the world to 100 percent clean, renewable wind-water-solar (WWS) energy and storage for everything. Such a transition will address air pollution, global warming, and energy security simultaneously. The book also examines ways to reduce non-energy emissions. It concludes that a transition among all energy and non-energy sectors worldwide is technically and economically possible. The main obstacles appear to be social and political.

The book starts by defining the air pollution, global warming, and energy insecurity problems we seek to solve (Chapter 1). Chapter 2 then discusses WWS electricity and heat generating technologies; transportation technologies; building heating and cooling technologies, high-temperature industrial heat technologies; appliances, and machines needed for a transition. It further discusses energy efficiency measures, electricity storage, heat and cold storage, and hydrogen storage. Finally, it discusses methods of addressing non-energy sources of greenhouse gas and aerosol particle pollution. Chapter 3 goes into depth about why we do not need natural gas as a bridge fuel, fossil fuels with carbon capture, nuclear power, biomass (with or without carbon capture), biofuels, synthetic direct air capture, or geoengineering.

Because a 100 percent WWS world is mostly electrified, Chapter 4 focuses on electricity basics. Solar photovoltaics (PV) and wind will likely comprise the largest share of a WWS world. As such, Chapter 5 discusses solar PV and solar radiation in depth. Chapter 6 discusses onshore and offshore wind. Chapter 7 moves on to discuss steps in developing a 100 percent WWS roadmap for a country, state, or city. Chapter 8 explains how to match power demand with supply with 100 percent WWS plus storage. Finally, Chapter 9 outlines my personal journey toward 100 percent; the movement that has arisen around the 100 percent WWS roadmaps; laws and commitments that have been implemented to date due to them; and the policies needed in the future to finally solve the problems of air pollution, global warming, and energy security.

Introduction and Table of Contents (pdf)

Corrections (pdf)

PowerPoint Slides by Chapter

Chapter 1. What problems are we trying to solve? (9 MB)

Chapter 2. Wind-water-solar (WWS) and storage solution (72.6 MB)

Chapter 3. Why some technologies are not included (7.8 MB)

Chapter 4. Electricity basics (4.6 MB)

Chapter 5. Photovoltaics and solar radiation (12.6 MB)

Chapter 6. Onshore and offshore wind energy (28.8 MB)

Chapter 7. Steps in developing 100 percent all-sector WWS and storage roadmaps (6.4 MB)

Chapter 8. Matching electricity, heat, cold, and hydrogen demand continuously with WWS supply, storage, and demand response (25) MB)

Chapter 9. Evolution of the 100 percent movement and policies needed for a WWS solution (6.8 MB)


Some select draft sections of the text

Air pollution from fossil fuels, biofuels, bioenergy, and biomass burning is 2nd leading cause of death worldwide; a 100% WWS world will eliminate most deaths (pdf)

Diagram of the components of WWS generation, storage, and use (pdf)

Timeline and land area to transition 143 countries to 100% WWS and 5 reasons demand decreases 57.1% along the way (pdf)

How to eliminate all non-energy emissions in a 100% WWS World (pdf)

Countries, states, districts, counties, cities, towns, and businesses that have reached or committed to 100% renewables in one or more energy sector (pdf)

Countries with up to 100% of their electric power generated by WWS (pdf)

Statistics and graphs showing California exceeding 100% WWS on their main grid (pdf)

Percentage of electricity generation from WWS and relative electricity price by U.S. state (pdf)

Land required by the fossil fuel industry (pdf)

How clean, renewable wind-water-solar (WWS) energy reduces four types of energy insecurities that fossil fuels, with or without carbon capture, and nuclear create (pdf)

Changes in carbon dioxide upon implementing WWS (pdf)

How reducing transmission and distribution losses 1% can reduce fossil use 1.6 to 5.4% (pdf)

Maximum extractable wind power on Earth is 58 times that needed for our 2050 roadmaps (pdf)

Contributors to Anthropogenic Global Warming Versus the Natural Greenhouse Effect (pdf)

Heat, cold, and hydrogen storage in a 100% WWS world (pdf)

Why excluding nuclear, fossils with carbon capture, and biofuels makes financial and climate sense (link)

Evaluation of carbon capture with coal and natural gas versus wind, water, and solar (pdf)

The 7 reasons why nuclear energy is not the answer to solve climate change (link)

Evaluation of nuclear power versus wind, water, and solar (pdf)

Evaluation of biomass with and without carbon capture versus wind, water, and solar (pdf)

Evaluation of liquid biofuels versus wind, water, and solar (pdf)

Evaluation of direct air capture versus wind, water, and solar (pdf)

Evaluation of geoengineering versus wind, water, and solar (pdf)

Eleven reasons why behind-the-meter distributed PV lowers electricity, health, and climate costs for everyone (pdf)

Other Books by Mark Z. Jacobson

Still No Miracles Needed: How Today's Technology Can Save Our Climate and Clean Our Air

No Miracles Needed: How Today's Technology Can Save Our Climate and Clean Our Air

Air Pollution and Global Warming: History, Science, and Solutions

Fundamentals of Atmospheric Modeling: 2nd Edition

Atmospheric Pollution: History, Science, and Regulation

Fundamentals of Atmospheric Modeling

Please submit any questions by email to jacobson@stanford.edu

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