IVGrad is a multi-ethnic and non-denominational community of graduate students who want to know Jesus Christ. We seek to grow spiritually, cultivate true Christian community, integrate faith and learning, and dedicate ourselves to witness and service. In particular, we encourage thought and discussion about what it means to be a Christian in an academic setting. We are not just a group “for Christians” but also for those who have little or no Christian background. All are welcome to explore and discuss issues with us or simply participate in our social events.

Our Student Leaders

Kevin (P), Ben (VP), and Elaine (FO) are this year’s Steering committee. We provide planning and support to help small group leaders, large group meetings, retreats, and the many other activities at IVGrad that happen all year long. If you have questions or suggestions, let us know! We’d love to help 🙂

Kevin Yan
Kevin YanPresident / Monday Bible Study Co-Leader

Kevin is a second year J.D. student in the Law School, particularly interested in the intersection of healthcare law, entrepreneurship/AI, and criminal justice. He grew up in New Jersey and went to college at the University of Chicago, where he first became a Christian. At UChicago, undergraduate Intervarsity was a huge part of his faith journey and was where he first experienced how a tight-knit Christian community can produce lasting friendships and encourage spiritual growth and maturity. Now through Stanford IVGrad, Kevin hopes to contribute to a community that models loving Christ, loving each other, and loving the Bay Area! In his free time, Kevin enjoys running, reading books and newspapers, cooking, and painting.

Ben Krisna
Ben KrisnaVice-President / Monday Bible Study Co-Leader

Ben is a third year Ph.D. student in the Mechanical Engineering department, conducting research in the exciting realm of computational fluids.
He grew up in Indonesia before moving to Aachen, Germany for college. Despite being born in a Christian family and in the church, Ben did not discover the true meaning and reason for his faith until later on in life. Personal adversities and apologetical questions challenged him to revisit his views on his faith and to take them with paramount importance. For this reason, he joyfully responds to God’s calling in discipleship and community, especially in IVGrad. Ben is always fond of having deep conversations with friends (sadboi hourz). He spends a lot of his free time cooking and trying out good food in the area. Also, he will gladly talk to you for hours about his VIM and terminal setup, music, soccer, and DotA.

Elaine Sui
Elaine SuiFinancial Officer / Social (FIGS) Coordinator

Elaine is a first year Ph.D. student in Computer Science (but third year Stanford student!) focusing in Artificial Intelligence for healthcare. Hailing from the land of the True North, Elaine came to know Christ in middle school but started to explore her faith more deeply through Power to Change (the Canadian equivalent of Cru) at the University of Toronto, where she did her undergrad. Since coming to the West Coast, IVGrad has been an integral part of her life, being a supportive community where people actively challenged and continue to challenge her on her journey with Christ. After receiving the gift of IVGrad in her first year, she hopes to extend that same warmth to others who are looking to grow in a Christ-centered community. When Elaine is not coding, she’s probably cooking, baking, grocery shopping, or taking a walk (or maybe a run if she feels motivated).

Alvin Tan
Alvin TanSprouts Bible Study Leader

Alvin is a third year Ph.D. student in Psychology studying language learning in children. He was born and raised in Singapore, then did an undergraduate degree in the UK, and a master’s degree at Stanford—and has liked it here enough to stay for another five-or-so years. He has greatly enjoyed seeing God at work in community, and is looking forward to sharing more good food and good conversations in the coming year, especially with new incoming students. When he’s not futzing with computational models or running experiments on toddlers, he can be found pushing tokens around on a board game, furrowing his brow at a puzzlehunt, or reading way too many books at once.

Esther Elonga
Esther ElongaSoul Care Small Group Leader
Julianna Hsing
Julianna HsingWorship Coordinator

Julianna is a second year Ph.D. student in Epidemiology and Population Health, studying how cardio-metabolic diseases among young adults are expressed in the physical and digital contexts of everyday life. She grew up in the Maryland/DC area and completed her undergraduate degree at Princeton University. It was at Princeton, through her friends and community at Manna Christian Fellowship, where she came to faith and experienced the unconditional love, grace, and power of Christ. Julianna loves engaging in deep conversations with others and hopes to use the gift of musical worship to foster a warm and welcoming IVGrad community and help folks experience the Holy Spirit through songs of praise. In her free time, Julianna enjoys rock climbing, playing music wth friends, illustration and design, and all things stationary.

Allisa Hastie
Allisa HastiePrayer and Spiritual Formation

Allisa is a third year Ph.D. student studying Civil and Environmental Engineering. She grew up in central California before moving to the Midwest to complete her bachelors and masters degree at the University of Illinois. Her research focuses on equity in drinking water and wastewater systems in the U.S. and is passionate about the intersection between Christianity, environmental stewardship, and social justice. Allisa enjoys rock climbing, reading memoirs, country music, and facilitating IVGrad prayer groups.

Our Commitments

Spiritual Formation


Evangelism & Service

Integration of Faith, Learning & Practice

What does IVGrad believe?  We come from many backgrounds and have varying beliefs on many topics. We gather together not because we agree on a set of doctrinal statements, but because we are a group of graduate students attempting to seek and know God during our time at Stanford. Everyone is welcome to join us, regardless of their beliefs.  IVGrad can be roughly categorized as “evangelical protestant”. The InterVarsity doctrinal statement below is a good summary of our group average: not everyone subscribes to every point, but it sketches with broad strokes where most of us are coming from.

We believe in:

The only true God, the almighty Creator of all things,
existing eternally in three persons–
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit–full of love and glory.

The unique divine inspiration,
entire trustworthiness
and authority of the Bible.

The value and dignity of all people:
created in God’s image to live in love and holiness,
but alienated from God and each other
because of our sin and guilt,
and justly subject to God’s wrath.

Jesus Christ, fully human and fully divine,
who lived as a perfect example,
who assumed the judgment due sinners
by dying in our place,
and who was bodily raised from the dead and ascended as Savior and Lord.

Justification by God’s grace to all who repent
and put their faith in Jesus Christ alone for salvation.

The indwelling presence and transforming power of the Holy Spirit,
who gives to all believers a new life and a new calling to obedient service.

The unity of all believers in Jesus Christ,
manifest in worshiping and witnessing churches
making disciples throughout the world.

The victorious reign and future personal return of Jesus Christ,
who will judge all people with justice and mercy,
giving over the unrepentant to eternal condemnation
but receiving the redeemed into eternal life.

To God be glory forever.

InterVarsity/USA Doctrinal Statement

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