Local Churches

Members (and alumni!) of IVGrad attend a variety of churches in the Bay Area, including those listed below.  (If your church is missing and you’d like to serve as a contact person, let us know so we can expand the list!)

For the first month of classes, we’ll be “church hopping” — going as a group to visit different local churches. Whether you’re new to the Stanford area, looking for a new church, or just want a chance to check out other churches besides your home church, feel free to join us! See the schedule below to see when we’ll be visiting each church. If you’d like to join us for rides to church, email the contact person(s) so we know to expect you (all emails are @stanford.edu unless otherwise stated), and then meet at EVGR Marketplace at the specified time!

  • Peninsula Bible Church
    • Date: Sept. 29
    • Location: 3505 Middlefield Road, Palo Alto, CA
    • Meet at EVGR Marketplace at: 10:30 AM
    • Service time: 11:00 AM
    • Host: Alvin Tan [tanawm@stanford.edu]
  • Grace Presbyterian Church
    • Date: Oct. 6
    • Location: 305 N. California Ave., Palo Alto, CA
    • Meet at EVGR Marketplace at: 10:30 AM
    • Service time: 11:00 AM
    • Host: Elaine Sui [esui]
  • Palo Alto Vineyard Church
    • Date: Oct. 13
    • Location: 701 East Meadow Drive, Palo Alto, CA
    • Meet at EVGR Marketplace at: 9:30 AM
    • Service time: 10:00 AM
    • Host: Andrew Wang [awang429]

** Updated September 17, 2024 **

Churches that IVGrad members currently attend/have attended in the past:

Campus & GFM Resources

University Offices

GFM Pacific

The Pacific Area Grad and Faculty Ministries (GFM) of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA catalyzes transformative movements on Northern California and Hawaii campuses in Jesus’ name.  They partner with graduate students, postdocs, faculty, university administrators, churches, and other campus ministries to raise up world changers who bear witness to the good news of God’s restorative and redeeming love.  For more information, see the GFM Pacific website (https://www.pacificgfmintervarsity.org/).

Emerging Scholars Network

InterVarsity Graduate & Faculty Ministries operates the Emerging Scholars Network to support and build professional relationships and mentoring for Christians working in the academy.

Emerging Scholars Network

Emerging Scholars Network

Vox Clara

Vox Clara (“Clear Voice”) is a student-run journal of Christian thought at Stanford. We aim to use our publication to clearly speak to the entire campus about Jesus, the clear voice whose message of truth, hope, and love permeates into all areas of life.  More specifically, we endeavor to 1) use Christianity as a lens to critically explore a broad range of subjects through articles, poetry, fiction, and artwork, 2) demonstrate that Christian faith and a vigorous intellectual life can be pursued together, each challenging and enriching the other, and 3) reflect both the unity and diversity found within the Christian community at Stanford.  We hope our biannually published journals will drive readers to engage in conversation with members of the Christian community.  Our team of both graduate and undergraduate students is always looking for writers, editors, graphic designers, and tech-savvy people to join us.  For more information, see voxclara.wixsite.com/voxclara or email us at voxclarastanford@gmail.com.

Veritas Forum

Fosters conversations about life’s big questions by placing the Christian worldview in dialogue with other perspectives in a shared pursuit of wisdom.  For more information, visit the Veritas website (http://www.veritas.org/) and the Veritas at Stanford Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/VeritasAtStanford/).