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Delimitrou, C., and C. Kozyrakis, "Paragon: QoS-Aware Scheduling for Heterogeneous Datacenters", Eighteenth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Houston, TX, 03/2013.  Download: paper (2.57 MB); slides (3 MB)
Gao, M., G. Ayers, and C. Kozyrakis, "Practical Near-Data Processing for In-memory Analytics Frameworks", International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), San Francisco, CA, 10/2015.  Download: paper (433.09 KB); slides (838.72 KB)
Prabhakar, R., Y. Zhang, D. Koeplinger, M. Feldman, T. Zhao, S. Hadjis, A. Pedram, C. Kozyrakis, and K. Olukotun, "Plasticine: A Reconfigurable Architecture For Parallel Patterns", ISCA '17: 44th International Symposium on Computer Architecture, Toronto, Canada, 06/2017. Abstract  Download: paper (1.53 MB)
Slowinska, A., and H. Bos, "Pointless Tainting?: Evaluating the Practicality of Pointer Tainting", Proceedings of the 4th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 61–74, 2009.  Download: paper (339.12 KB)
Talbot, J., R. M. Yoo, and C. Kozyrakis, "Phoenix++: Modular MapReduce for Shared-memory Systems", Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on MapReduce and Its Applications, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 9–16, 2011.  Download: paper (756.45 KB)