

Pune, India. Dec 16-20, 2019

Learning goals

After this workshop the students will have a deeper understanding of the statistical aspects in modeling taxonomic variation in microbial communities. Commonalities between various learning methods are demonstrated by using latent variable models as a unifying framework. In addition to learning new modeling techniques, the students gain an overall understanding of the underlying statistical concepts.


Targeted to researchers and PhD students actively involved in microbiome research (max. 30).



  • R / Rmarkdown
  • Basic statistics
  • For suggested reading, see the links below


Install the following software before the course:


R programming:


Microbiome research:

Online support

Welcome to join the course Slack channel!

Schedule (all 5 days follow this structure)

  • Lectures (9-11:30 am). Including discussion & short break between lectures.
  • Morning Tea (11:00-11:30).
  • Practicals I (11:30-13:00)
  • Lunch (13:00-14:00)
  • Practicals II (14:00-16:00)
  • Wrap-up (16-17; conclusions, time for questions & discussion)

Day 1: Data analysis workflow for amplicon profiling data

Welcome & introductions

Lecture 1 (LL): Standard amplicon data analysis workflow

Lecture 2 (SH): Heterogeneous data and phyloseq, methods for amplicon data analysis: DADA2

  • R/Bioconductor environment for high quality Statistics and Reproducible Research PDF
  • DADA2 Method PDF
  • DADA2 Workflow PDF

See also: - Why exact ASVs? : PDF from Ben Callahan at ASM

Practicals: Amplicon data analysis with R/phyloseq

Day 2: Statistical thinking: Exploratory and Confirmatory

Lecture 1 (LL): Data properties and visualization

  • The anatomy of taxonomic profiling data PDF

  • Visualization Lab PDF

Lecture 2 (SH): Exploratory and Confirmatory Statistics

  • Parameters, statistics, mixture models PDF

  • Non standard data: trees, networks and distances PDF

  • Robust testing: examples.

Day 3: Latent variable models, community variation and multivariate visualization

Lecture 1 (SH): Dimension reduction in the analysis and visualization of beta diversity

Lecture 2 (LL): Microbiome variation and individuality in population studies

  • Landscape model PDF

Practicals: Multivariate dimension reduction visualization in R

  • Microbiome data manipulation and analysis tools html | Rmd

  • Lab on PCA : html and Rmd.

  • Lab on rank PCA and PCoA/MDS: html and Rmd

  • Lab on dPCoA: html and Rmd

  • Aspects of beta diversity: feature selection, dissimilarity, ordinations

  • Illustration Lab, the Enterotypes: html and Rmd

See more advanced modulated version of DPCoA by Julia Fukuyama: - agPCA package,

Day 4: Longitudinal data analysis

Lecture 1 (SH): Advanced statistical techniques in longitudinal modeling

Latent Dirichlet allocation, uncertainty quantification PDF

Testing in presence of dependent data (longitudinal and spatial), bootLong.

Lecture 2 (LL): Models for microbial time series

Standard dynamical models and the element of time in microbial ecology PDF

Further reading:

Practicals: Examples on microbiome time series analysis and visualization

Day 5: Future perspectives

Lecture 1 (SH): Multidomain data integration

Lecture 2 (LL): Overview of the week and additional topics

  • Contemporary and future perspectives on statistical microbiome research PDF

Practicals: Examples on multi-omics techniques


Concluding remarks