CS106B Programming Abstractions

Winter Quarter 2025
Lecture MWF 1:30PM-2:30PM in Hewlett 200


That's All, Folks!
Last updated today by Keith

Hello Veteran CS106Bers! We have just finished grading the final exam. Solutions and statistics are now available, and graded exams are up on Gradescope. Check EdStem for information regarding final grades and regrade requests.

It's been a pleasure teaching CS106B this quarter. Best of luck going forward, and we hope to see you around!

Week 10 Announcements!
Last updated 1 week and 2 days ago by Jonathan

Happy Monday! This is what you need to know for our last week in CS106B:

  • Assignments: Assignment 8 has been released and is due this Friday, 3/14 at 1PM. General tips for A8:
    • Make sure you review lectures 21 - 23 to understand linked lists!
    • Section 8 is full of great material for solidifying your understanding of trees!
    • Make sure you watch last week's YEAH hours and review the slides! More details on YEAH can be found on Ed.
  • Pair Assignments: For A8, you may complete the assignment in pairs, but you and your partner must be in the same section! If you have already reached out to me to facilitate a swap, please be on the lookout for an email tonight with the details on this swap as well as the swap itself.
  • Section: There is no section this week!
  • Final Exam: The Final Exam will be 8:30AM - 11:30AM Pacific time on Monday, March 17th. Be on the lookout for more details soon!
  • Final Exam Review: We will be hosting a final exam review session this Wednesday, March 12th from 5pm to 7pm in 420-041. Please stop by! We will be working through different problems, led by section leaders, to prepare for the final exam! This session will be live-streamed via zoom and recorded for those who are unable to attend.
  • Office Hours Schedule: This week, Keith's OHs will be Wednesday, 10:30am - 12:30pm in CoDa E114. Jonathan's OHs will be Thursday, 12pm - 2pm in CoDa B45. ๐ŸšจJonathan will not be having Wednesday OHs this week due to the review session๐Ÿšจ Come say hi! We'd love to chat with you about 106B or anything else!

It's been a pleasure being your Head TA this quarter, best of luck on the final!

Week 9 Announcements!
Last updated 2 weeks and 2 days ago by Jonathan

Happy Monday! This is what you need to know for week 9 in CS106B:

  • Assignments: Assignment 7 has been released and is due this Friday, 3/6 at 1PM. General tips for A7:
    • Make sure you review lectures 19 & 20 to understand linked lists!
    • Section 7 is full of great material for solidifying your understanding of linked lists!
    • Make sure you watch last week's YEAH hours and review the slides! More details on YEAH can be found on Ed.
  • Pair Assignments: For A7, you may complete the assignment in pairs, but you and your partner must be in the same section! If you have already reached out to me to facilitate a swap, please be on the lookout for an email tonight with the details on this swap as well as the swap itself. If you would like to work with a partner for A8 and did not ask for a swap for A7, please reach out to me by Wednesday at 5PM to facilitate a swap!
  • Section: Before section this week, please make sure you're caught up on lectures until 03/05 (up to L23). This is very important to make section maximally useful for everyone. If you'd like to see the solutions to the section problems, you can get them from your SLs after your section. Be sure to review all the problems, especially those your SLs don't get to!
  • Final: This is looking a bit ahead, but the final will be 8:30AM - 11:30AM Pacific time on Monday, March 17th. Be on the lookout for more details and a review session soon!
  • Office Hours Schedule: This week, Keith's OHs will be Tuesday, 1:30pm - 3:30pm in CoDa E114. Jonathan's OHs will be Wednesday, 3pm - 5pm and Thursday, 12pm - 2pm in CoDa B45. Come say hi! We'd love to chat with you about 106B or anything else!

We're in the home stretch now, have a great week 9!

Week 8 Announcements!
Last updated 3 weeks and 2 days ago by Jonathan

Happy Monday! This is what you need to know for week 8 in CS106B:

  • Midterm Regrades: The deadline to submit midterm regrade requests has passed. We are now in the process of reviewing these requests and are aiming to have them all done by Friday afternoon.
  • Assignments: Assignment 6 has been released and is due this Friday, 2/28 at 1PM. General tips for A6:
    • Make sure you review lectures 17 & 18 to understand hashing!
    • Sections 6 & 7 will be particularly useful for reviewing hashing!
    • Make sure you watch last week's YEAH hours and review the slides! More details on YEAH can be found on Ed.
  • Pair Assignments: As Keith said in today's lecture, A7 & A8 can be completed in pairs, but you and your partner must be in the same section! If you would like to work with someone who is not in your section, please reach out to me by 5PM this Wednesday to facilitate a swap!
  • Section: Before section this week, please make sure you're caught up on lectures until 02/26 (up to L20). This is very important to make section maximally useful for everyone. If you'd like to see the solutions to the section problems, you can get them from your SLs after your section. Be sure to review all the problems, especially those your SLs don't get to!
  • Office Hours Schedule: This week, Keith's OHs will be Tuesday, 1:30pm - 3:30pm in CoDa E114. Jonathan's OHs will be Wednesday, 3pm - 5pm and Thursday, 12pm - 2pm in CoDa B45. Come say hi! We'd love to chat with you about 106B or anything else!

I know the quarter is flying by, but try to take care of yourselves! Have a great week 8!

Week 7 Announcements!
Last updated 4 weeks and 2 days ago by Jonathan

Happy Monday! This is what you need to know for week 7 in CS106B:

  • Midterm: Midterm grades have been released, great job everyone! As Keith said on Ed, you can find your graded exam on Gradescope, and solutions and statistics can be found on the course website. Further, regrade requests will open tomorrow, be on the lookout for more details soon!
  • Post-Midterm 1:1: We understand that after the midterm, some of you may have questions with proceeding in the course, or may be looking for advice or areas to improve. If you would like to have a short meeting to discuss these topics, with me, feel free to sign up a short 20 minute 1:1 this Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday here!
  • Assignments: Assignment 5 has been released and is due this Friday, 2/21 at 1PM. General tips for A5:
    • As always, start early!
    • Make sure you review lectures 14-16 to understand how classes work!
    • Take a look at the solutions to this past week's section on classes!
    • Make sure you watch last week's YEAH hours and review the slides! More details on YEAH can be found on Ed.
  • Section: Before section this week, please make sure you're caught up on lectures until 02/19 (up to L17). This is very important to make section maximally useful for everyone. If you'd like to see the solutions to the section problems, you can get them from your SLs after your section. Be sure to review all the problems, especially those your SLs don't get to!
  • Office Hours Schedule: This week, Keith's OHs will be Tuesday, 1:30pm - 3:30pm in CoDa E114. Jonathan's OHs will be Wednesday, 3pm - 5pm and Thursday, 12pm - 2pm in CoDa B45. Come say hi! We'd love to chat with you about 106B or anything else!

That's all for now, have a great week 7!