
Our lectures are scheduled for Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1:30PM-2:45PM, Pacific time, in NVIDIA Auditorium. We strongly encourage all of you to join us in person! This will allow you to participate in class discussions and activities, to ask your questions real-time, and to ensure that you are keeping on pace with the course schedule. We think staying on pace with the class is so important that we are offering a small grade incentive to help you motivate yourself to stay on top of it! More details below.

Common questions about lectures

How much of my grade is lecture attendance worth?

We are giving everyone the opportunity to have up to 5% of their course grade (knocked off the final exam) come from lecture attendance. To get the full 5%, you need to come to every lecture. If you get this full 5%, your final exam will only count for 20% of your grade instead of 25%. If you come to half the lectures, then your final counts towards 22.5% of your grade and your lecture attendance counts towards 2.5% of your grade, etc. This means that (unless you get a perfect score on the final) every lecture you attend helps your final grade!

How is lecture attendance tracked?

Every lecture will have a corresponding attendance ticket on Gradescope. On this ticket, you will solve one of the problems that we completed in lecture in order to get attendance credit. You must complete the attendance ticket before the start of the following lecture (i.e., Tuesday ticket submitted before the start of Wednesday's lecture, Thursday's ticket submitted before the start of Monday's lecture). If, for some reason, you are unable to attend lecture in-person and will be watching the recording instead, you can still get attendance credit by watching the entire lecture video and completing the attendance ticket before the next class. Completing the attendance ticket without watching the entire lecture video is a violation of the Stanford Honor Code.

SCPD students will be complete the same lecture attendance tickets as all other students. However, SCPD students will be given until Sunday at 11:59PM Pacific time to complete all of the corresponding week's attendance tickets.

Are lectures recorded?

The summer quarter offering of CS106B will be recorded for our SCPD remote participants. Those video recordings are also available to regular on-campus students for review or in case of a missed class. The videos will be posted to Canvas, where they will appear under Panopto Course Videos. There is no live synchronous remote viewing.

How can I ask questions during lecture?

Raise your hand to ask it live. Since we have two co-instructors, you also can ask questions during lecture via our online forum in a special megathread that will be continuously monitored by one instructor while the other lectures.