What are LaIR helper hours?
LaIR helper hours are an additional set of office hours staffed by our awesome fleet of section leaders. At the LaIR, students can get individual help with debugging and conceptual questions.
Weekly schedule
LaIR runs Sunday-Thursday, 5-9PM Pacific Time
- LaIR starts Tuesday of Week 1 (6/27).
- LaIR is in Durand 353 (glass conference room across from 3rd floor elevator). All students will have after-hours key card access to Durand.
- To get help, go to Durand and add your request to the queue using the LaIR signup page.
Common questions about LaIR
I tried to sign up for the LaIR helper queue, but the queue was closed, even though now is within the open hours for the LaIR.
In times of peak demand, the helpers may need to close the queue to new requests before the end of the open hours. We do this to ensure that we have sufficient resources to assist all students in the queue before the end of the shift.
Is LaIR accessible to SCPD students?
Yes! SCPD students will be able to access virtual LaIR. Virtual signups for LaIR follow a similar process to in-person signups via the LaIR signup page, except students approved for virtual LaIR may put Zoom links in the 'location' field of their request.