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About Lectures
1. 6/26 Welcome!
2. 6/27 C++ Fundamentals
3. 6/28 Strings
4. 6/29 Vectors and Grids
5. 7/3 Stacks and Queues
6. 7/5 Sets and Maps
7. 7/6 Big O and Asymptotic Analysis
8. 7/10 Introduction to Recursion
9. 7/11 Recursive Fractals
10. 7/12 Recursive Problem Solving
11. 7/13 Midterm Review
12. 7/18 Backtracking 1
13. 7/19 Backtracking 2
14. 7/20 C++ Classes
15. 7/24 Dynamic Memory
16. 7/25 Implementing an ADT
17. 7/26 Priority Queues and Heaps
18. 7/27 Memory and Pointers
19. 7/31 Linked Lists 1
20. 8/1 Linked Lists 2
21. 8/2 Trees
22. 8/3 Sorting
23. 8/7 Binary Search Trees
24. 8/8 Huffman Coding
25. 8/9 Hashing
26. 8/10 Graph Algorithms
27. 8/14 Virtual Memory
28. 8/15 Final Review Session
29. 8/16 Course Wrap-up
About Assignments
0. Welcome to CS106B!
1. Getting Your C++ Legs
2. Fun with Collections
3. Recursion Adventures
4. Priority Queue
5. Linked Lists
6. Huffman Coding
About Sections
Section Portal
1. C++ fundamentals
2. ADTs and Big-O
3. Intro to Recursion
4. Recursive Backtracking
5. Classes and Dynamic Memory
6. Memory Management, Pointers, and Linked Lists
7. Trees
About Assessments
1. Midterm Exam
2. Final Exam
⚠️ This page is out of date, from a past version of the course Summer Quarter 2023. The current quarter site is at
this link.
Lecture 2. C++ Fundamentals
Tuesday June 27
A brief introduction to C++
Ch. 1, 2.1-2.4
Video on canvas
📦 Code and Slides
6_27 Lecture 2.pdf