100% Wind, Water, and Solar (WWS) All-Sector Energy Roadmaps for Countries, States, Cities, and Towns

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New 2024: Roadmaps and grid studies to transition 149 countries to 100% WWS for all purposes (link)

New 2022: Roadmaps and grid studies to transition the 50 U.S. states and Washington DC to 100% WWS for all purposes (link)

2022: Roadmaps and grid studies to transition 145 countries to 100% WWS for all purposes (link)

2019-21: Impacts of Green New Deal energy plans on grid stability, costs, jobs, health, and climate in 143 countries

Continuation of 143-country study: The cost of grid stability with 100% clean, renewable energy for all purposes when countries are isolateed versus interconnected: Renewable Energy, 2021 (pdf)
Infographic summaries from this study (Belgium) (Denmark) (France) (Germany) (Italy) (Netherlands) (Norway) (Norway-Denmark) (Norway-Denmark-Sweden-Germany) (Northwest Europe) (Portugal) (Spain) (Spain-Portugal-Gibraltar) (Sweden) (Switzerland) (Switzerland-France) (Switzerland-Germany) (Switzerland-Italy) (UK) (Western Europe)

Continuation of 143-country study: On the correlation between building heat demand and wind energy supply and how it helps to avoid blackouts: Smart Energy, 2021 (pdf)

Original 143-country study: One Earth, 2019 (pdf) (high-res pdf)
Link to article in One Earth (link)
143-country xlsx-spreadsheets (xlsx)
Op-ed summary of paper: Green New Deals for the World are Green Good Deals (link)
Op-ed on why we need to focus on WWS solutions, which work, not CCS, DAC, nuclear, bioenergy (link)
Timeline and land area to transition 143 countries to 100% WWS and 5 reasons demand decreases 57.1% along the way (pdf)
World region infographics for meeting continuous load (link) Country infographics for meeting annual load (link) Infographic for sum of 143 countries (link)
Presentation slides (pdf)
Public talk (video)
Green New Deal summaries for the 24 regions included in 143-country paper (Africa) (Australia) (Canada) (Central America) (Central Asia) (China region) (Cuba) (Europe) (Haiti-Dominican Republic) (Iceland) (India region) (Israel) (Jamaica) (Japan) (Mauritius) (Middle East) (New Zealand) (Philippines) (Russia region) (Southeast Asia) (South Korea) (South America) (Taiwan) (United States)
Countries, states, cities, and businesses that have reached or committed to 100% renewables (pdf)

Roadmaps to convert 139 countries to 100% Wind, Water, and Sunlight (WWS) for all purposes

Roadmap paper+Supplementary Info: Joule, 2017 (pdf)
Link to article in Joule (link)
Companion paper on grid reliability among 139 countries with 100% WWS (Renewable Energy, 2018) (pdf)
139-country xlsx-spreadsheets (xlsx)
139-Country Summary Infographic (pdf)
General summary 139-country roadmaps, Earth's Future, 2017 (pdf)

One set of simulations (Case A) from paper: 2050-2054 simulations matching all-sector energy demand with 100% WWS supply, electricity storage (CSP with storage, batteries, pumped-hydro, existing hydroelectric reservoirs with zero added turbines ), heat storage, cold storage, and hydrogen storage in 20 world regions encompassing 139 countries: Africa (pdf) Australia (pdf) Central America (pdf) Central Asia (pdf) China-Mongolia-Hong Kong-North Korea (pdf) Cuba (pdf) Europe (pdf) Haiti-Dominican Republic (pdf) Iceland (pdf) India-Nepal-Sri Lanka (pdf) Jamaica (pdf) Japan-South Korea (pdf) Mideast (pdf) New Zealand (pdf) Philippines (pdf) Russia-Georgia (pdf) South America (pdf) Southeast Asia (pdf) Taiwan (pdf) U.S.-Canada (pdf)

Layman's summary 139-country & 50-state roadmaps Oct. 31, 2016 (pdf)
Electrification Technologies to obtain 100% WWS (pdf)
Transition timeline to 100% WWS (png)
Change in CO2 Upon Implementing WWS (pdf)
Global cooling due to wind turbines (pdf)
More detailed roadmap for Israel by Liat Chobadi (M.S. Thesis, March 2017) (pdf)
Reply to Commentary, Electricity Journal, 2018 (pdf)

Presentation slides from June 2, 2019, Transitioning the world's energy for all purposes to stable energy powered by 100% wind, water, and sunlight, (pptx)
Graphical video 139-country roadmaps 2017 (video)
Video on reducing power demand with electrification 2017 (video)
NOAA video explaining 139-country roadmaps Aug. 7, 2017 (video)
NPR Science Friday 139 Country Roadmaps Aug. 26, 2017 (link)
Interview on Simulation Series: Path to a 100% Renewable World July 10, 2018 (video)
NHK Interview: 100% renewable energy for the world March 8, 2018 (mp4)
Climate Reality video: Transitioning countries, states, cities, towns, and homes to 100% clean, renewable energy for all purposes Feb. 25, 2018 (video)
Video Paris Petit Palais-Summary 139 country roadmaps Dec. 7, 2015 (video)
Interview on Late Show With David Letterman Oct. 9, 2013 (video)

Percent of needed 2050 WWS installed by country as of 2018 end (pdf); 2015 end (pdf)
Wind installed by country as of 2018 end (pdf); 2015 end (pdf)
PV installed by country as of 2018 end (pdf); 2015 end (pdf)
CSP installed by country as of 2018 end (pdf); 2015 end (pdf)
Hydro installed by country as of 2018 end (pdf); 2015 end (pdf)
Geothermal installed by country as of 2018 end (pdf); 2015 end (pdf)
Tidal installed by country as of 2018 end (pdf); 2015 end (pdf)
Pumped hydro storage installed by country as of 2018 end (pdf); 2015 end (pdf)
Solar thermal for heat installed by country as of 2018 end (pdf)

Updated timeline and land area to transition 143 countries to 100% WWS and 5 reasons demand decreases 57.1% along the way (pdf)
Diagram of the components of WWS generation, storage, and use (pdf)
Why 100% WWS and the Green New Deal cuts consumer costs and unemployment (MSNBC Interview)(Op-Ed)(Graphic)
How to eliminate all non-energy emissions in a 100% WWS World (pdf)
Countries, states, districts, counties, cities, towns, and businesses that have reached or committed to 100% renewables in one or more energy sector (pdf)
How clean, renewable wind-water-solar (WWS) energy reduces four types of energy insecurities that fossil fuels, with or without carbon capture, and nuclear create (pdf)
How reducing transmission and distribution losses 1% can reduce fossil use 1.6 to 5.4% (pdf)
Maximum extractable wind power on Earth is 58 times that needed for our 2050 roadmaps (pdf)
Air pollution from fossil fuels, biofuels, bioenergy, and biomass burning is 2nd leading cause of death; a 100% WWS world will eliminate most deaths (pdf)

2020 Roadmaps to convert 74 metropolitan areas, including 30 megacities, to 100% WWS for all purposes

Summary paper: Energies, 2020 (pdf)
Spreadsheets (xlsx)
Megacity infographics (link)

2018 Roadmaps to convert 53 Towns and Cities to 100% WWS for all purposes

Summary paper: Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018 (pdf)
Spreadsheets (xlsx)
City-by-city infographics (link)
Summary for general audiences (link)

Roadmaps for the world and U.S. as a whole to go to 100% WWS (link)

2008 Paper justifying the use of 100% Wind, Water, and Sunlight (WWS) (link)

More grid integration studies showing 100% reliability of 100% WWS in the U.S. and Worldwide (link)

Abstract of and links to 100% WWS roadmap and grid reliability papers (pdf)

The Solutions Project video (link)

October 5, 2019 Bergamo, Italy talk (video)
April 9, 2019 Sustain Europe, Interview by John J. Berger (pdf)
November 18, 2018 Hartford, Connecticut talk (video)
November 19, 2015 Testimony to House Committee on Energy and Commerce about 50-state and 139-country plans (pdf)

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