1988 Publications

  1. A. J. Bariya, J. P. McVittie, J. M. deLarios, C.W. Frank, “Polymerization in CHF3 Oxide Etch Discharges,” Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Plasma Processing, Electrochemical Society 88-22, 59-66, 1988.
  2. D.J. Hemker, K. Char, H.T. Oyama, A.P. Gast, C.W. Frank, “Macromolecular Complex Formation and Polymer Adsorption on Colloidal Particles in Aqueous Solution,” in  Polymers in Aqueous Media, J.E. Glass, ed., Advances in Chemistry Series 222, 263-284, 1988.
  3. J.R. Linton, C.W. Frank, S.D.D.V. Rughooputh, “Fluorescence Studies of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Solutions,” Synthetic Metals 28, 393-398, 1988.
  4. S.W.J. Kuan, C.W. Frank, C.C. Fu, D.R. Allee, P. Maccagno, R.F.W. Pease, “Ultrathin Polymer Films for Microlithography,” J. Vacuum Sci. Tech. B, 66, 2274-2279, 1988.
  5. M.M. Dovek, T.R. Albrecht, S.W. J. Kuan, C.A. Lang, R. Emch, P. Grutter, C.W. Frank, R.F.W. Pease, C.F. Quate, “Observations and Manipulation of Polymers by Scanning Tunneling and Atomic Force Microscopy,” J. Microscopy 152, 229-236, 1988.
  6. T.R. Albrecht, M.M. Dovek, C.A. Lang, C.F. Quate, W.J. Kuan, C.W. Frank, R.F.W. Pease, “Imaging and Modification of Polymers by Scanning Tunneling and Atomic Force Microscopy,” J. Applied Phys. 64, 1178-1184, 1988.
  7. W.T. Tang, G. Hadziioannou, B.A. Smith, C.W. Frank, “Synthesis and Characterization of Tg for Pyrene End-Labeled Polystyrene Having no Ester Linkages,” Polymer 29, 1718-1723, 1988.
  8. W.C. Tao, J.W. Thomas, Jr., C.W. Frank, “Excimer Fluorescence as a Molecular Probe of Polymer Blend Miscibility.  8. Polymeric and Glassy Solvent Host Matrices,” Polymer 29, 1625-1634, 1988.
  9. W.T. Tang, G. Hadziioannou, B.A. Smith, C.W. Frank, “Facile Method for Labeling Polystyrene with Various Fluorescent Dyes,” Polymer 29, 1313-1317, 1988.
  10. E.D. Wachsman, C.W. Frank, “Effect of Cure History on the Morphology of Polyimide:  Fluorescence Spectroscopy as a Method for Determining the Degree of Cure,” Polymer 29, 1191-1197, 1988.
  11. D.J. Hemker, C.W. Frank, J.W. Thomas, “Photophysical Studies of Amorphous Orientation in Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Films,” Polymer 29, 437-447, 1988.
  12. K. Char, A.P. Gast, C.W. Frank, “Fluorescence Studies of Polymer Adsorption:  1. Rearrangement and Displacement of Pyrene-Terminated Poly(ethylene glycol) on Colloidal Silica Particles,” Langmuir 4, 989-998, 1988.
  13. M.A. Gashgari, C.W. Frank, “Excimer Fluorescence as a Molecular Probe of Polymer Blend Miscibility.  7. Nonequilibrium Solvent Casting Effects in Blends of Poly(2-vinylnaphthalene) with Poly(n-butylmethacrylate) and Poly(methylmethacrylate),” Macromolecules 21, 2782-2790, 1988.