1998 Publications

  1. C.W. Frank, ed., Organic Thin Films:  Structure and Applications, ACS Symposium Series 695, 1998.
  2. C.W. Frank, D.Y. Ylitalo, “Photophysical Studies Provide Thermodynamic Insights into Block-Copolymer Micelle Formation in a Selective Solvent,” Applied Fluorescence in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine, W. Rettig, B. Strehmel, S. Schrader, H. Seifert, eds., Springer, 389-416, 1998.
  3. O. Prucker, S. Christian, H. Bock, J. Rühe, C.W. Frank, W. Knoll, “Glass Transition in Ultrathin Polymer Films,” in Organic Thin Films:  Structure and Applications, C.W. Frank, ed., ACS Symposium Series 695, 233-249, 1998.
  4. R.C. Advincula, W. Knoll, L. Blinov, C.W. Frank, “Langmuir and LBK Films of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) Alternated with Poly(methyl methacrylate) or Poly(octadecyl methacrylate),” in Organic Thin Films;  Structure and Applications, C.W. Frank, ed., ACS Symposium Series 695, 192-205, 1998.
  5. Y.-C. Chang, C.W. Frank, “Chemical Grafting of Poly(L-glutamate) g-Esters on Silicon(100) Surfaces by Vapor Polymerization of N-Carboxy Anhydride Monomers,”  in Organic Thin Films:  Structure and Applications, C.W. Frank, ed., ACS Symposium Series 695, 142-157, 1998.
  6. J.Y.M. Yang, C.W. Frank, “Composition of Binary Self-assembled Monolayers of Alkyltrichlorosilanes,” in Organic Thin Films:  Structure and Applications, C.W. Frank, ed., ACS Symposium Series 695, 67-80, 1998.
  7. K.S. Yim, C.F. Brooks, G.G. Fuller, C.W. Frank, C.R. Robertson, “Flow-induced Deformation and Relaxation Processes of Polydomain Structures in Langmuir Monolayers,” in Organic Thin Films, C.W. Frank, ed., ACS Symposium Series 695, 43-56, 1998.
  8. J.P. Kampf, T.L. Einloth, C.W. Frank, Y. Lee, J.-M. Oh, J.A. Moore, “Pentaerythritol-based Polyether Dendrimers at the Air-Water Interface,” in Organic Thin Films:  Structure and Applications, C.W. Frank, ed., ACS Symposium Series 695, 31-42, 1998.
  9. R. Advincula, C.W. Frank, D. Roitman, J. Sheats, R. Moon, W. Knoll, “Supramolecular Thin Film Architectures for Photonic Applications,” Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 316, 103-112, 1998.
  10. C. B. Xu, C. W. Frank, W. T. Tang, C. Terrill, “End Group Effects on Adhesion of Perfluoropolyether Lubricants to Solid Substrates,” Journal of Adhesion 67, 195-215, 1998.
  11. O. Prucker, S. Christian, H. Bock, J. Ruhe, C. W. Frank, W. Knoll, “On the Glass Transition in Ultrathin Polymer Films of Different Molecular Architecture,” Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 199(7), 1435-1444, 1998.
  12. T. Maruyama, J. Lauger, G. G. Fuller, C. W. Frank, C. R. Robertson, “Orientation in a Fatty Acid Monolayer: Effect of Flow Type,” Langmuir 14, 1836-1845, 1998.
  13. Y. C. Chang, C. W. Frank, “Vapor Deposition-Polymerization of Alpha-Amino Acid N-carboxy Anhydride on the Silicon(100) Native Oxide Surface,” Langmuir 14, 326-334, 1998.