1980-1989 Publications

  1. D.A. Hoffmann, J.E. Anderson, L.J. Bousse, C.W. Frank, “Heterogeneous Conduction Processes in Integrated Circuit Encapsulation,” in Polymeric Materials for Electronic Packaging and Interconnection, J.H. Lupinski, R.S. Moore, eds., ACS Symposium Series 407, 321-336, 1989.
  2. E.D. Wachsman, P.S. Martin, C.W. Frank, “Cure Studies of PMDA-ODA and BTDA-ODA Based Polyimides by Fluorescence Spectroscopy,” in Polymeric Materials for Electronic Packaging and Interconnection, J.H. Lupinski, R.S. Moore, eds., ACS Symposium Series 407, 26-48, 1989.
  3. S.W.J. Kuan, P.S. Martin, L.L. Kosbar, C.W. Frank, R.F.W. Pease, “Lithography and Spectroscopy of Ultrathin Langmuir-Blodgett Polymer Films,” in Polymers in Microlithography:  Materials and Processes, E. Reichmanis, S.A. MacDonald, T. Iwayanagi, eds., ACS Symposium Series 412, 349-363, 1989.
  4. L.L. Kosbar, S.W.J. Kuan, C.W. Frank, R.F.W. Pease, “Photophysical Studies of Spin Cast Polymer Films,” in The Effects of Radiation on High Technology Polymers, E. Reichmanis, J.H. O’Donnell, eds. ACS Symposium Series 381, 95-111, 1989.
  5. P.S. Martin, E.D. Wachsman, C.W. Frank, “Cure Studies of Polyimides via Fluorescence Spectroscopy” in Polyimides:  Materials, Chemistry and Characterization, C. Feger, M.M. Khojasteh, J.E. McGrath, eds., 371-378, 1989.
  6. S.W.J. Kuan, C.W. Frank, Y.H. Yen Lee, T. Eimori, D.R. Allee, R.F.W. Pease, R. Browning, “Ultrathin Poly (methylmethacrylate) Resist Films for Microlithography,” J. Vacuum Science and Technology B7, 1745-1750, 1989.
  7. W.C. Tao, C.W. Frank, “Energy Migration in the Aromatic Vinyl Polymers.  7. The Application of a One-Dimensional Electronic Excitation Transport Model for Transient Fluorescence of Poly(2-vinylnaphthalene) in Alkyl Benzene Solution and Polystyrene Blends,” J. Phys. Chem. 93, 776-784, 1989.
  8. R.G. Horn, S.J. Hirz, G. Hadziioannou, C.W. Frank, J.M. Catala, “A Re-evaluation of Forces Measured Across Thin Polymer Films:  Nonequilibrium and Pinning Effects,” J. Chem. Phys. 90, 6767-6774 , 1989.
  9. K. Char, C.W. Frank, A.P. Gast, “Fluorescence Studies of Adsorption.  3. Adsorption of Pyrene End-Labeled Poly(ethylene glycol) on Colloidal Polystyrene Particles,” Langmuir 5, 1335-1340, 1989.
  10. K. Char, C.W. Frank, A.P. Gast, “Fluorescence Studies of Polymer Adsorption:  2. A Simple Theoretical Model Describing Adsorbed Polymer Rearrangement,” Langmuir 5, 1096-1105, 1989.
  11. S.H. Chen, C.W. Frank, “Infrared and Fluorescence Spectroscopic Studies of Self-Assembled n-Alkanoic Acid Monolayers,” Langmuir 5, 978-987, 1989.
  12. K.Char, C.W. Frank, A.P. Gast, “Consideration of Hydrophobic Attractions in End-to-End Cyclization,” Macromolecules 22, 3177-3180, 1989.
  13. H.T. Oyama, C.W. Frank, “Effect of the Degree of Ionization of Poly(methacrylic acid) on the Complex Formed with Pyrene End-Labeled Poly(ethylene glycol),” Macromolecules 22, 1255-1260, 1989.
  14. K.A. Peterson, M.B. Zimmt, M.D. Fayer, Y.H. Jeng, C.W. Frank, “Fluorescence Depolarization of Chromophores in Polymeric Solids,” Macromolecules 22, 874-879, 1989.
  15. A. J. Bariya, J. P. McVittie, J. M. deLarios, C.W. Frank, “Polymerization in CHF3 Oxide Etch Discharges,” Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Plasma Processing, Electrochemical Society 88-22, 59-66, 1988.
  16. D.J. Hemker, K. Char, H.T. Oyama, A.P. Gast, C.W. Frank, “Macromolecular Complex Formation and Polymer Adsorption on Colloidal Particles in Aqueous Solution,” in  Polymers in Aqueous Media, J.E. Glass, ed., Advances in Chemistry Series 222, 263-284, 1988.
  17. J.R. Linton, C.W. Frank, S.D.D.V. Rughooputh, “Fluorescence Studies of Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Solutions,” Synthetic Metals 28, 393-398, 1988.
  18. S.W.J. Kuan, C.W. Frank, C.C. Fu, D.R. Allee, P. Maccagno, R.F.W. Pease, “Ultrathin Polymer Films for Microlithography,” J. Vacuum Sci. Tech. B, 66, 2274-2279, 1988.
  19. M.M. Dovek, T.R. Albrecht, S.W. J. Kuan, C.A. Lang, R. Emch, P. Grutter, C.W. Frank, R.F.W. Pease, C.F. Quate, “Observations and Manipulation of Polymers by Scanning Tunneling and Atomic Force Microscopy,” J. Microscopy 152, 229-236, 1988.
  20. T.R. Albrecht, M.M. Dovek, C.A. Lang, C.F. Quate, W.J. Kuan, C.W. Frank, R.F.W. Pease, “Imaging and Modification of Polymers by Scanning Tunneling and Atomic Force Microscopy,” J. Applied Phys. 64, 1178-1184, 1988.
  21. W.T. Tang, G. Hadziioannou, B.A. Smith, C.W. Frank, “Synthesis and Characterization of Tg for Pyrene End-Labeled Polystyrene Having no Ester Linkages,” Polymer 29, 1718-1723, 1988.
  22. W.C. Tao, J.W. Thomas, Jr., C.W. Frank, “Excimer Fluorescence as a Molecular Probe of Polymer Blend Miscibility.  8. Polymeric and Glassy Solvent Host Matrices,” Polymer 29, 1625-1634, 1988.
  23. W.T. Tang, G. Hadziioannou, B.A. Smith, C.W. Frank, “Facile Method for Labeling Polystyrene with Various Fluorescent Dyes,” Polymer 29, 1313-1317, 1988.
  24. E.D. Wachsman, C.W. Frank, “Effect of Cure History on the Morphology of Polyimide:  Fluorescence Spectroscopy as a Method for Determining the Degree of Cure,” Polymer 29, 1191-1197, 1988.
  25. D.J. Hemker, C.W. Frank, J.W. Thomas, “Photophysical Studies of Amorphous Orientation in Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Films,” Polymer 29, 437-447, 1988.
  26. K. Char, A.P. Gast, C.W. Frank, “Fluorescence Studies of Polymer Adsorption:  1. Rearrangement and Displacement of Pyrene-Terminated Poly(ethylene glycol) on Colloidal Silica Particles,” Langmuir 4, 989-998, 1988.
  27. M.A. Gashgari, C.W. Frank, “Excimer Fluorescence as a Molecular Probe of Polymer Blend Miscibility.  7. Nonequilibrium Solvent Casting Effects in Blends of Poly(2-vinylnaphthalene) with Poly(n-butylmethacrylate) and Poly(methylmethacrylate),” Macromolecules 21, 2782-2790, 1988.
  28. R. Hayashi, S. Tazuke, C.W. Frank, “Behavior of a Twisted Intramolecular Charge-Transfer Compound Bonded to Poly(methylmethacrylate),” in Photophysics of Polymer Systems, C.E. Hoyle, J.M. Torkelson, eds., ACS Symposium Series 358, 135-147, 1987.
  29. H.T. Oyama, C.W. Frank, “Complex Formation Between Poly(acrylic acid) and Poly(ethylene glycol) in Aqueous Solution,” in Photophysics of Polymer Systems, C.E. Hoyle, J.M. Torkelson, eds., ACS Symposium Series 358, 422-433, 1987.
  30. C.W. Frank, W.C. Zin, “Morphology in Miscible and Immiscible Polymer Blends:  The Interplay of Polymer Photophysics with Polymer Physics,” in Photophysics of Polymer Systems, C.E. Hoyle, J.M. Torkelson, eds., ACS Symposium Series 358, 18-36, 1987.
  31. R. Hayashi, S. Tazuke, C.W. Frank, “Pressure Effects on the Twisted Intramolecular Charge Transfer (TICT) Phenomenon,” Chem. Phys. Letters 135, 123-127, 1987.
  32. W.C. Tao, C.W. Frank, “Intramolecular Rotational Motion in Bichromophoric Compounds:  1. Effect of Pressure on Excimer Formation in 1,3-Bis (2-naphthyl) Propane in a Series of Linear Alkanes,” J. Phys. Chem. 91, 3863-3871, 1987.
  33. H.T. Oyama, W.T. Tang, C.W. Frank, “Effect of Hydrophobic Interaction in the Poly(methacrylic acid)/Pyrene End-Labeled Poly(ethylene glycol) Complex,” Macromolecules 20, 1839-1847, 1987.
  34. K. Char, C.W. Frank, A.P. Gast, W.T. Tang, “Hydrophobic Attraction of Pyrene-End-Labeled Poly(ethylene glycol) in Water and Water-Methanol Mixtures,” Macromolecules 20, 1833-1838, 1987.
  35. R. Hayashi, S. Tazuke, C.W. Frank, “Twisted Intramolecular Charge-Transfer Phenomenon as a Fluorescence Probe of Microenvironment.  Effect of Polymer Concentration on Local Viscosity and Microscopic Polarity Around a Polymer Chain of Poly(methyl methacrylate),” Macromolecules 20, 983-988, 1987.
  36. H.T. Oyama, W.T. Tang, C.W. Frank, “Complex Formation Between Poly(acrylic acid) and Pyrene-Labeled Poly(ethylene glycol) in Aqueous Solution,” Macromolecules 20, 474-480, 1987.
  37. S.N. Semerak, C.W. Frank, “Energy Migration in the Aromatic Vinyl Polymers.  5. Poly(2-vinyl naphthalene) and Polystyrene,” Canadian Journal of Chemistry 63, 1328-1332, 1985.
  38. H.T. Oyama, C.W. Frank, “Structure of the Polyion Complex Between Poly(sodium p-styrene sulfonate) and Poly(diallyl dimethyl ammonium chloride),” Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition 24, 1813-1821, 1985.
  39. G.H. Fredrickson, H.C. Andersen, C.W. Frank, “Macromolecular Pair Correlation Functions from Fluorescence Depolarization Experiments,” J. Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition 23, 591-599, 1985.
  40. J.L. Viovy, C.W. Frank, L. Monnerie, “Fluorescence Anisotropy Decay Studies of Local Polymer Dynamics in the Melt.  Part 2:  Labeled Model Compounds of Variable Chain Length,” Macromolecules 18, 2606-2613, 1985.
  41. L.T. Chen, C.W. Frank, “Influence of the Head-to-Head Defect and the Molecular Weight on the Alpha-to-Gamma Solid State Transformation of Poly(vinylidene fluoride),” Macromolecules 18, 2163-2167, 1985.
  42. J.W. Thomas, Jr., C.W. Frank, “Energy Migration in the Aromatic Vinyl Polymers.  4. Blends of Poly(2-vinylnaphthalene) with Poly(cyclohexylmethacrylate),” Macromolecules 18, 1034-1039, 1985.
  43. S.N. Semerak, C.W. Frank, “Effect of Molecular Weight on Blend Miscibility:  A Study by Excimer Fluorescence,” Advances in Chemistry Series 206, 77-100, 1984.
  44. L.T. Chen, C.W. Frank, “The Influence of Head-to-Head Defects on the Crystallization of PVF2,” Ferroelectrics 57, 51-62, 1984.
  45. J.M. Torkelson, M. Tirrell, C.W. Frank, “Polystyrene-Methylcyclohexane Solutions Undergoing Phase Separation:  A Study by Fluorescence Spectroscopy,” Macromolecules 17, 1505-1512, 1984.
  46. G.H. Fredrickson, H.C. Andersen, C.W. Frank, “Electronic Excitation Transport as a Probe of Chain Flexibility,” Macromolecules 17, 1496-1499, 1984.
  47. S.N. Semerak, C.W. Frank, “Excimer Fluorescence as a Molecular Probe of Polymer Blend Miscibility.  6. Effect of Molecular Weight in Blends of Poly(2-vinylnaphthalene) with Poly(methyl methacrylate),” Macromolecules 17, 1148-1157, 1984.
  48. G.H. Fredrickson, H.C. Andersen, C.W. Frank, “Electronic Excited State Transport and Trapping on Polymer Chains,” Macromolecules 17, 54-59, 1984.
  49. S.N. Semerak, C.W. Frank, “Excimer Fluorescence as a Molecular Probe of Blend Miscibility:  5. Comparison with Differential Scanning Calorimetry,” Advances in Chemistry Series 203, 757-771, 1983.
  50. G.H. Fredrickson, H.C. Andersen, C.W. Frank, “Electronic Excited State Transport and Trapping as a Probe of Intramolecular Polymer Structure,” J. Chemical Physics 79, 3572-3580, 1983.
  51. G.H. Fredrickson, H.C. Andersen, C.W. Frank, “Electronic Excited-State Transport on Isolated Polymer Chains,” Macromolecules 16, 1456-1464, 1983.
  52. R. Gelles, C.W. Frank, “Effect of Molecular Weight on Polymer Blend Phase Separation Kinetics,” Macromolecules 16, 1448-1456, 1983.
  53. G.H. Fredrickson, C.W. Frank, “Interpretation of Electronic Energy Transport Experiments in Polymeric Systems,” Macromolecules 16, 1198-1206, 1983.
  54. G.H. Fredrickson, C.W. Frank, “Nonexponential Transient Behavior in Fluorescent Polymeric Systems,” Macromolecules 16, 572-577, 1983.
  55. J.W. Thomas, Jr., C.W. Frank, D.A. Holden, J.E. Guillet, “Fluorescence Studies of Polymer Blends:  Effect of Host Matrix on Copolymers of 1-Naphthyl Alkyl Methacrylates and 9-Anthryl Methyl Methacrylate,” Journal of Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Edition, 20, 1749-1753, 1982.
  56. R.G. Gelles, C.W. Frank, “Phase Separation in Polystyrene/Poly(vinyl methyl ether) Blends as Studied by Excimer Fluorescence,” Macromolecules 15, 1486-1491, 1982.
  57. R.G. Gelles, C.W. Frank, “Energy Migration in the Aromatic Vinyl Polymers:  3. Three Dimensional Migration in Polystyrene/Poly(vinyl methyl ether) Blends,” Macromolecules 15, 747-752, 1982.
  58. R.G. Gelles, C.W. Frank, “Energy Migration in the Aromatic Vinyl Polymers:  2. Miscible Blends of Polystyrene with Poly(vinyl methyl ether),” Macromolecules 15, 741-747, 1982.
  59. P.D. Fitzgibbon, C.W. Frank, “Energy Migration in the Aromatic Vinyl Polymers:  1. A One-Dimensional Random Walk Model,” Macromolecules 15, 733-741, 1982.
  60. P.D. Fitzgibbon, C.W. Frank, “Excimer Formation in Dilute Solution: 1. Effect of Pressure on 1,3-Bis(2-naphthyl) propane and Poly(2-vinylnaphthalene),” Macromolecules 14, 1650-1658, 1981.
  61. M.A. Gashgari, C.W. Frank, “Excimer Fluorescence as a Molecular Probe of Blend Miscibility:  4. Effect of Temperature in Solvent Casting,” Macromolecules 14, 1558-1567, 1981.
  62. S.N. Semerak, C.W. Frank, “Excimer Fluorescence as a Molecular Probe of Blend Miscibility:  3. Effect of Molecular Weight of the Host Matrix,” Macromolecules 14, 443-449, 1981.