1996 Publications

  1. P.B. Leezenberg, M.D. Fayer, C.W. Frank, “Photophysical Studies of Probes Bound to Cross-link Junctions in Poly(dimethyl siloxane) Elastomers and Nanocomposites,” Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Functional Dyes, Pure and Applied Chemistry 68, 1381-1388, 1996.
  2. T. Maruyama, G. Fuller, C. Frank, C. Robertson, “Flow-Induced Molecular Orientation of a Langmuir Film,” Science 274, 233-235, 1996.
  3. P.B. Leezenberg, A.H. Marcus, C.W. Frank, M.D. Fayer, “Rotational Dynamics of Naphthalene-Labeled Cross-linked Junctions in Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Elastomers,” J. Phys. Chem. 100, 7646-7655, 1996.
  4. M.M. Despotopoulou, R.D. Miller, J.F. Rabolt, C.W. Frank, “Polymer Chain Organization and Orientation in Ultra-thin Films:  A Spectroscopic Investigation,” J. Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Ed. 34, 2335-2349, 1996.
  5. D.A. Ylitalo, C.W. Frank, “The Effect of Pressure on Block Copolymer Micelle Formation:  Fluorescence and Light Scattering Studies of Poly(styrene-b-ethylene propylene) in Heptane,” Polymer 37, 4969-4978, 1996.
  6. T. Maruyama, M.C. Friedenberg, G.G. Fuller, C.W. Frank, C.R. Robertson, “In Situ Studies of Flow-Induced Phenomena in Langmuir Monolayers,” Thin Solid Films 273, 76-83, 1996.
  7. M.M. Despotopoulou, C.W. Frank, R.D. Miller, J.F. Rabolt, “Kinetics of Chain Organization in Ultra-thin Poly(di-n-hexyl silane) Films,” Macromolecules 29, 5797-5804, 1996.
  8. M.C. Friedenberg, G.G. Fuller, C.W. Frank, C.R. Robertson, “In Situ Optical Studies of Flow-Induced Orientation in a Langmuir Monolayer,” Macromolecules 29, 705-712, 1996.
  9. Y.-C. Chang, C.W. Frank, “Grafting of Poly(g-benzyl-L-glutamate) on Chemically Modified Silicon Oxide Surfaces,” Langmuir 12, 5824-5829, 1996.
  10. J. Läuger, C.R. Robertson, C.W. Frank, G.G. Fuller, “Deformation and Relaxation Processes of Mono- and Bilayer Domains of Liquid Crystalline Langmuir Films on Water,” Langmuir 12, 5630-5635, 1996.
  11. M.C. Friedenberg, G.G. Fuller, C.W. Frank, C.R. Robertson, “Direct Visualization of Flow-Induced Anisotropy in a Fatty Acid Monolayer,” Langmuir 12, 1594-1599, 1996.
  12. C.W. Frank, V. Rao, M.M. Despotopoulou, R.F.W. Pease, W.D. Hinsberg, R.D. Miller, J.F. Rabolt, “Structure in Thin and Ultrathin Spin-cast Polymer Films,”Science 273, 912-916, 1996.