1992 Publications

  1. S.I. Uchino, C.W. Frank, “Mechanistic Study on Chemically Amplified Resist Systems Using Pinacol Rearrangement in Phenolic Resin,” Polymer Engineering and Science 32, 1530-1534, 1992.
  2. R.T.C. Ju, C.W. Frank, A.P Gast, “CONTIN Analysis of Colloidal Aggregates,” Langmuir 8, 2165-2171, 1992.
  3. S.J. Hirz, A.M. Homola, G. Hadziioannou, C.W. Frank, “Effect of Substrate on   Shearing Properties of Ultrathin Polymer Films,” Langmuir 8, 328-333, 1992.
  4. Y.L  Chen, S.H. Chen, C.W. Frank, J. Israelachvili, “Molecular Mechanisms and Kinetics During the Self-Assembly of Surfactant Layers,” J. Colloid and Interface Science 153, 244-265, 1992.
  5. A.D. Stein, D.A. Hoffman, A.H. Marcus, P.B. Leezenberg, C.W. Frank, M.D. Fayer, “Dynamics in Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Melts:  Fluorescence Depolarization Measurements of Probe Chromophore Orientational Relaxation,” J. Phys. Chem. 96, 5255-5263, 1992.
  6. A.D. Stein, D.A. Hoffmann, C.W. Frank, M.D. Fayer, “Reorientational Motion of a Crosslink Junction in a Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Network Measured by Time-Resolved Fluorescence Depolarization,” J. Chem. Phys. 96, 3269-3278, 1992.
  7. L.L. Kosbar, C.W. Frank, “The Influence of Solvent on Labeled and Free Pyrene Aggregation in Novolac Solutions and Films,” Polymer 33, 141-151, 1992.