1990-1999 Publications

  1. G. Fuller, K.S. Yim, C. Brooks, D. Olson, C. Frank, “The Rheology of Two-Dimensional Systems,” Korea-Australia Rheology Journal 11, 321-328, 1999.
  2. H. J. Cha, C. W. Frank, “On the Europium/Poly(acrylic acid) Complexes in Aqueous Solution,” Korea Polymer Journal 7, 150-155, 1999.
  3. H. J. Cha, C. W. Frank, “Annealing Study of Poly(ether ether ketone): Temperature Effect on Molecular Conformation and Crystallinity,” Korea Polymer Journal 7, 141-149, 1999.
  4. G. Kleideiter, O. Prucker, H. Bock, C. W. Frank, M. D. Lechner, W. Knoll, “Polymer Thin Film Properties as a Function of Temperature and Pressure,” Macromolecular Symposia 145, 95-102, 1999.
  5. O. Prucker, C. A. Naumann, J. Ruhe, W. Knoll, C. W. Frank, “Photochemical Attachment of Polymer Films to Solid Surfaces via Monolayers of Benzophenone Derivatives,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 121, 8766-8770, 1999.
  6. A. Heise, J. L. Hedrick, C. W. Frank, R. D. Miller, “Starlike Block Copolymers with Amphiphilic Arms as Models for Unimolecular Micelles,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 121, 8647-8648, 1999.
  7. L. T. Mazzola, C. W. Frank, S. P. A. Fodor, C. Mosher, R. Lartius, E. Henderson, “Discrimination of DNA Hybridization Using Chemical Force Microscopy,” Biophysical Journal 76(6), 2922-2933, 1999.
  8. Y. C. Chang, C. W. Frank, G. G. Forstmann, D. Johannsmann, “Quadrupolar and Polar Anisotropy in End-Grafted Alpha-Helical Poly(gamma-benzyl-L-glutamate) on Solid Substrates,” Journal of Chemical Physics 111(13), 6136-6143, 1999.
  9. A. Heise, J. L. Hedrick, M. Trollsas, R. D. Miller, C. W. Frank, “Novel Starlike Poly(methyl methacrylate)s by Controlled Dendritic Free Radical Initiation,” Macromolecules 32, 231-234, 1999.
  10. C. A. Naumann, C. F. Brooks, G. G. Fuller, W. Knoll, C. W. Frank, “Viscoelastic Properties of Lipopolymers at the Air-Water Interface: A Combined Interfacial Stress Rheometer and Film Balance Study,” Langmuir 15(22), 7752-7761, 1999.
  11. C. F. Brooks, G. G. Fuller, C. W. Frank. C. R. Robertson, “An Interfacial Stress Rheometer to Study Rheological Transitions in Monolayers at the Air-Water Interface,” Langmuir 15(7), 2450-2459, 1999.
  12. J. P. Kampf, C. W. Frank, E. E. Malmstrom. C. J. Hawker, “Stability and Molecular Conformation of Poly(benzyl ether) Monodendrons with Oligo(ethylene glycol) Tails at the Air-Water Interface,” Langmuir 15(1), 227-233, 1999.
  13. S. Dante, R. Advincula, C. W. Frank, P. Stroeve, “Photoisomerization of Polyionic Layer-by-Layer Films Containing Azobenzene,” Langmuir 15, 193-201, 1999.
  14. J. P. Kampf, C. W. Frank, E. E. Malmstrom, C. J. Hawker, “Adaptation of Bulk Constitutive Equations to Insoluble Monolayer Collapse at the Air-Water Interface,” Science 283, 1730-1733, 1999.
  15. C.W. Frank, ed., Organic Thin Films:  Structure and Applications, ACS Symposium Series 695, 1998.
  16. C.W. Frank, D.Y. Ylitalo, “Photophysical Studies Provide Thermodynamic Insights into Block-Copolymer Micelle Formation in a Selective Solvent,” Applied Fluorescence in Chemistry, Biology and Medicine, W. Rettig, B. Strehmel, S. Schrader, H. Seifert, eds., Springer, 389-416, 1998.
  17. O. Prucker, S. Christian, H. Bock, J. Rühe, C.W. Frank, W. Knoll, “Glass Transition in Ultrathin Polymer Films,” in Organic Thin Films:  Structure and Applications, C.W. Frank, ed., ACS Symposium Series 695, 233-249, 1998.
  18. R.C. Advincula, W. Knoll, L. Blinov, C.W. Frank, “Langmuir and LBK Films of Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and Poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) Alternated with Poly(methyl methacrylate) or Poly(octadecyl methacrylate),” in Organic Thin Films;  Structure and Applications, C.W. Frank, ed., ACS Symposium Series 695, 192-205, 1998.
  19. Y.-C. Chang, C.W. Frank, “Chemical Grafting of Poly(L-glutamate) g-Esters on Silicon(100) Surfaces by Vapor Polymerization of N-Carboxy Anhydride Monomers,”  in Organic Thin Films:  Structure and Applications, C.W. Frank, ed., ACS Symposium Series 695, 142-157, 1998.
  20. J.Y.M. Yang, C.W. Frank, “Composition of Binary Self-assembled Monolayers of Alkyltrichlorosilanes,” in Organic Thin Films:  Structure and Applications, C.W. Frank, ed., ACS Symposium Series 695, 67-80, 1998.
  21. K.S. Yim, C.F. Brooks, G.G. Fuller, C.W. Frank, C.R. Robertson, “Flow-induced Deformation and Relaxation Processes of Polydomain Structures in Langmuir Monolayers,” in Organic Thin Films, C.W. Frank, ed., ACS Symposium Series 695, 43-56, 1998.
  22. J.P. Kampf, T.L. Einloth, C.W. Frank, Y. Lee, J.-M. Oh, J.A. Moore, “Pentaerythritol-based Polyether Dendrimers at the Air-Water Interface,” in Organic Thin Films:  Structure and Applications, C.W. Frank, ed., ACS Symposium Series 695, 31-42, 1998.
  23. R. Advincula, C.W. Frank, D. Roitman, J. Sheats, R. Moon, W. Knoll, “Supramolecular Thin Film Architectures for Photonic Applications,” Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 316, 103-112, 1998.
  24. C. B. Xu, C. W. Frank, W. T. Tang, C. Terrill, “End Group Effects on Adhesion of Perfluoropolyether Lubricants to Solid Substrates,” Journal of Adhesion 67, 195-215, 1998.
  25. O. Prucker, S. Christian, H. Bock, J. Ruhe, C. W. Frank, W. Knoll, “On the Glass Transition in Ultrathin Polymer Films of Different Molecular Architecture,” Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 199(7), 1435-1444, 1998.
  26. T. Maruyama, J. Lauger, G. G. Fuller, C. W. Frank, C. R. Robertson, “Orientation in a Fatty Acid Monolayer: Effect of Flow Type,” Langmuir 14, 1836-1845, 1998.
  27. Y. C. Chang, C. W. Frank, “Vapor Deposition-Polymerization of Alpha-Amino Acid N-carboxy Anhydride on the Silicon(100) Native Oxide Surface,” Langmuir 14, 326-334, 1998.
  28. B. Strehmel, C.W. Frank, W. Abraham, M. Garrison, “Modified Poly(dimethyl siloxanes) with Fluorescent Properties,” in Organosilicon Chemistry III – From Molecules to Materials, N. Auner, J. Weis, eds. 1997.
  29. Y.-C. Chang, C.W. Frank, “Surface Polymerization of Poly(g-alkyl-L-glutamate) on Solid Substrates,” Macromol. Symp. 118, 641-646, 1997.
  30. V. Strehmel, C. W. Frank, B. Strehmel, “Photophysical Properties of Stilbenes with Imide groups,” Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A-Chemistry 105, 353-364, 1997.
  31. C. J. Hawker, E. E. Malmstrom, C. W. Frank, J. P. Kampf, “Exact Linear Analogs of Dendritic Polyether Macromolecules: Design, Synthesis, and Unique Properties,” Journal of the American Chemical Society 119, 9903-9904, 1997.
  32. P.B. Leezenberg, M.D. Fayer, C.W. Frank, “Photophysical Studies of Probes Bound to Cross-link Junctions in Poly(dimethyl siloxane) Elastomers and Nanocomposites,” Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Functional Dyes, Pure and Applied Chemistry 68, 1381-1388, 1996.
  33. T. Maruyama, G. Fuller, C. Frank, C. Robertson, “Flow-Induced Molecular Orientation of a Langmuir Film,” Science 274, 233-235, 1996.
  34. P.B. Leezenberg, A.H. Marcus, C.W. Frank, M.D. Fayer, “Rotational Dynamics of Naphthalene-Labeled Cross-linked Junctions in Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Elastomers,” J. Phys. Chem. 100, 7646-7655, 1996.
  35. M.M. Despotopoulou, R.D. Miller, J.F. Rabolt, C.W. Frank, “Polymer Chain Organization and Orientation in Ultra-thin Films:  A Spectroscopic Investigation,” J. Polymer Science, Polymer Physics Ed. 34, 2335-2349, 1996.
  36. D.A. Ylitalo, C.W. Frank, “The Effect of Pressure on Block Copolymer Micelle Formation:  Fluorescence and Light Scattering Studies of Poly(styrene-b-ethylene propylene) in Heptane,” Polymer 37, 4969-4978, 1996.
  37. T. Maruyama, M.C. Friedenberg, G.G. Fuller, C.W. Frank, C.R. Robertson, “In Situ Studies of Flow-Induced Phenomena in Langmuir Monolayers,” Thin Solid Films 273, 76-83, 1996.
  38. M.M. Despotopoulou, C.W. Frank, R.D. Miller, J.F. Rabolt, “Kinetics of Chain Organization in Ultra-thin Poly(di-n-hexyl silane) Films,” Macromolecules 29, 5797-5804, 1996.
  39. M.C. Friedenberg, G.G. Fuller, C.W. Frank, C.R. Robertson, “In Situ Optical Studies of Flow-Induced Orientation in a Langmuir Monolayer,” Macromolecules 29, 705-712, 1996.
  40. Y.-C. Chang, C.W. Frank, “Grafting of Poly(g-benzyl-L-glutamate) on Chemically Modified Silicon Oxide Surfaces,” Langmuir 12, 5824-5829, 1996.
  41. J. Läuger, C.R. Robertson, C.W. Frank, G.G. Fuller, “Deformation and Relaxation Processes of Mono- and Bilayer Domains of Liquid Crystalline Langmuir Films on Water,” Langmuir 12, 5630-5635, 1996.
  42. M.C. Friedenberg, G.G. Fuller, C.W. Frank, C.R. Robertson, “Direct Visualization of Flow-Induced Anisotropy in a Fatty Acid Monolayer,” Langmuir 12, 1594-1599, 1996.
  43. C.W. Frank, V. Rao, M.M. Despotopoulou, R.F.W. Pease, W.D. Hinsberg, R.D. Miller, J.F. Rabolt, “Structure in Thin and Ultrathin Spin-cast Polymer Films,”Science 273, 912-916, 1996.
  44. S.H. Chen, C.W. Frank, “Fluorescence Probe Studies of Self-Assembled Monolayer and Multilayer Films from n-Alkyltrichlorosilanes,” in Surfactant Adsorption and Surface Solubilization, R. Sharma, ed., ACS Symposium Series No . 615, pp 217-230, 1995.
  45. V.V Tsukruk, T.L. Einloth, H.Van Esbroeck, C.W. Frank, “Miscibility and Segregated Structures in Mixed Langmuir Monolayers,” Supramolecular Science 2, 219-231, 1995.
  46. C.W. Frank, J.F. Rabolt, P. Stroeve, J.D. Swalen, “Center on Polymer Interfaces and Macromolecular Assemblies (CPIMA):  A Stanford University/IBM Almaden Research Center/University of California Davis Partnership,” Supramolecular Science 2, 59-64, 1995.
  47. P.B. Leezenberg, C.W. Frank, “In Situ Precipitation of Silica in Dansyl-Labeled Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Elastomers,” Chem. of Materials 7, 1784-1792, 1995.
  48. D. A. Hoffmann, J.E. Anderson, C.W. Frank, “Solvent Partitioning in Fluorescent Polydimethylsiloxane Networks, ” J. Materials Chemistry 5, 13-25, 1995.
  49. P.B. Leezenberg, C.W. Frank, “Selective Sorption and Solvation in Dansyl-Labeled Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Networks Swollen in Binary Solvent Mixtures,” Macromolecules 28, 7407-7415, 1995.
  50. M.M. Despotopoulou, C.W. Frank, R.D. Miller, C.W. Frank, “Role of the Restricted Geometry on the Morphology of Ultrathin Poly(di-n-hexylsilane) Films,” Macromolecules 28, 6687-6688, 1995.
  51. V. Rao, W.D. Hinsberg, C.W. Frank, R.F.W. Pease, “Langmuir-Blodgett Deposition to Evaluate Dissolution Behavior of Multicomponent Resists,” ACS Symposium Series 537, 220-234, 1994.
  52. T. Izumi, M. Hirata, E. Kokufuta, H.-J. Cha, C.W. Frank, “Spectroscopic Studies on the Complexation of Papain with Potassium Poly(vinyl alcohol sulfate),” J. Macromolecular Science – Pure and Applied Chemistry A31(1), 31-37, 1994.
  53. W.A. Goedel, H. Wu, M.C. Friedenberg, G.G. Fuller, M. Foster, C.W. Frank, “Monolayers of Perfluoroethers with a Hydrophilic Head Group,” Langmuir 10, 4209 – 4218, 1994.
  54. M.C. Friedenberg, G.G. Fuller, C.W. Frank, C.R. Robertson, “Formation of Bilayer Disks and Two-Dimensional Foams in a Collapsing/Expanding Liquid-Crystal Monolayer,” Langmuir 10, 1251-1256, 1994.
  55. Irradiation of Polymeric Materials:  Processes, Mechanisms and Applications, E. Reichmanis, C.W. Frank, J.H. O’Donnell, eds., ACS Symposium Series 527, 1993.
  56. L.L. Kosbar, C.W. Frank, R.F.W. Pease, J. Hutchinson, “Diazonaphthoquinone-Novolac Resist Dissolution in Composite Langmuir-Blodgett and Spin-Cast Films,” in Irradiation of Polymeric Materials:  Processes, Mechanisms and Applications, E. Reichmanis, C. W. Frank, J. H. O’Donnell, eds., ACS Symposium Series 527, 245-265, 1993.
  57. E. Reichmanis, C.W. Frank, J.H. O’Donnell, D.J.T. Hill, “Radiation Effects on Polymeric Materials:  A Brief Overview,” in Irradiation of Polymeric Materials:  Processes, Mechanisms and Applications, E. Reichmanis, C. W. Frank, J. H. O’Donnell, eds., ACS Symposium Series 527, 1-8, 1993.
  58. J.M. Salley, C.W. Frank, T. Miwa, R. Roginski, “Charge Transfer in Polyimides,” Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Polyimides, C. Feger, ed., Technomic Publishing, Inc., 441-450, 1993.
  59. S. Steinberg, W. Ducker, G. Vigil, H. Cha, C.W. Frank, M.Z. Tseng, D.R. Clarke, J.N. Israelachvili, “Van der Waals Epitaxial Growth of Alpha-Alumina Nanocrystals on Mica,” Science 260, 656-659, 1993.
  60. K. Mathauer, C.W. Frank, “Binary Self-Assembled Monolayers as Prepared by Successive Adsorption of Alkyltrichlorosilanes,” Langmuir 9, 3446-3451, 1993.
  61. K. Mathauer, C.W. Frank, “The Naphthalene Chromophore Tethered in the Constrained Environment of a Self-Assembled Monolayer,” Langmuir 9, 3002-3008, 1993.
  62. K. Mathauer, T. Vahlenkamp, C.W. Frank, G. Wegner, “Monolayer Miscibility of a Hairy Rodlike Polyglutamate and n-Alkyl Amphiphiles,” Langmuir 9, 1582-1586, 1993.
  63. W.A. Goedel, C.-B. Xu, C.W. Frank, “Perfluoropolyethers Tethered to the Air-Water Interface,” Langmuir 9, 1184-1186, 1993.
  64. S.I. Uchino, C.W. Frank, “Mechanistic Study on Chemically Amplified Resist Systems Using Pinacol Rearrangement in Phenolic Resin,” Polymer Engineering and Science 32, 1530-1534, 1992.
  65. R.T.C. Ju, C.W. Frank, A.P Gast, “CONTIN Analysis of Colloidal Aggregates,” Langmuir 8, 2165-2171, 1992.
  66. S.J. Hirz, A.M. Homola, G. Hadziioannou, C.W. Frank, “Effect of Substrate on   Shearing Properties of Ultrathin Polymer Films,” Langmuir 8, 328-333, 1992.
  67. Y.L  Chen, S.H. Chen, C.W. Frank, J. Israelachvili, “Molecular Mechanisms and Kinetics During the Self-Assembly of Surfactant Layers,” J. Colloid and Interface Science 153, 244-265, 1992.
  68. A.D. Stein, D.A. Hoffman, A.H. Marcus, P.B. Leezenberg, C.W. Frank, M.D. Fayer, “Dynamics in Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Melts:  Fluorescence Depolarization Measurements of Probe Chromophore Orientational Relaxation,” J. Phys. Chem. 96, 5255-5263, 1992.
  69. A.D. Stein, D.A. Hoffmann, C.W. Frank, M.D. Fayer, “Reorientational Motion of a Crosslink Junction in a Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Network Measured by Time-Resolved Fluorescence Depolarization,” J. Chem. Phys. 96, 3269-3278, 1992.
  70. L.L. Kosbar, C.W. Frank, “The Influence of Solvent on Labeled and Free Pyrene Aggregation in Novolac Solutions and Films,” Polymer 33, 141-151, 1992.
  71. C.W. Frank, D.J. Hemker, H.T. Oyama, “Hydrophobic Effects on Complexation and Aggregation in Water-Soluble Polymers:  Fluorescence, pH and Dynamic Light Scattering Measurements” in Water Soluble Polymers, S.W. Shalaby, C.L. McCormick and G.B. Butler, eds., ACS Symposium Series 467, 303-319, 1991.
  72. S.H. Chen, C.W. Frank, “n-Alkanoic Acid Self-Assembled Monolayers:  Adsorption Kinetics” in Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy in Colloid and Interface Science, D.R. Scheuing, ed., ACS Symposium Series 447, 160-176, 1991.
  73. A.J. Bariya, Shan, H.Q., C.W. Frank, Self, S.A., J.P. McVittie, “The Etching of CHF3 Plasma Polymer in Fluorine-containing Discharges,” J. Vacuum Science and Technology B9(1), 1-7, 1991.
  74. S.H. Chen, C.W. Frank, “Fluorescence Probe Studies of Self-Assembled Monolayer Films,” Langmuir 7, 1719-1726, 1991.
  75. A.S. Yeung, C.W. Frank, R.E. Singler, “Excimer Fluorescence in Polyphosphazenes.  2. Morphology and Dynamics in Polymer Films,” Macromolecules. 24, 5539-5545, 1991.
  76. A.J. Bariya, J.P. McVittie, C.W. Frank, “CHF3 Plasma Polymerization in an RIE System,” Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Plasma Processing, Electrochemical Society 90-14, 108-124, 1990.
  77. J.P. McVittie, A.J. Bariya, S. Ravi, C.W. Frank, “Simulation of Simultaneous Etching and Deposition Profiles,” Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on Plasma Processing 90-14, 25-33, 1990.
  78. A.J. Bariya, J.P. McVittie, C.W. Frank, “A Surface Kinetic Model for Plasma Polymerization with Application to Plasma Etching,” J. Electrochemical Soc. 137(8), 2575-2581, 1990.
  79. L.L. Kosbar, C.W. Frank, R.F.W. Pease, “Multicomponent Langmuir-Blodgett Resists for Optical Lithography,” J. Vacuum Science and Technology B8(6), 1441-1446, 1990.
  80. E.D. Wachsman, N. Jiang, C.W. Frank, D.M. Mason, D.A. Stevenson, “Spectroscopic Investigation of Oxygen Vacancies in Solid Oxide Electrolytes,” Applied Physics A 50, 545-549, 1990.
  81. K. Char, A. P. Gast, C.W. Frank, “Fluorescence Studies of Polymer Adsorption. 4. pH Effect on the Adsorption of Pyrene End-Tagged Poly(ethylene glycol) on Colloidal Silica,” Langmuir 6, 767-770, 1990.
  82. A.S. Yeung, C.W. Frank, “Block Copolymer Micelle Solutions.  2. An Intrinsic Excimer Fluorescence Study,” Polymer 31, 2101-2111, 1990.
  83. A.S. Yeung, C.W. Frank, “Block Copolymer Micelle Solutions.  1. Concentration Dependence of Polystyrene-Poly(ethylene propylene) in Heptane,” Polymer 31, 2089-2100, 1990.
  84. A.S. Yeung, C.W. Frank, R.E. Singler, “Excimer Fluorescence in Polyphosphazenes.  1. Cyclic Trimers and Polymer Solutions,” Polymer 31, 1092-1099, 1990.
  85. D.J. Hemker, V. Garza, H.T. Oyama, C.W. Frank, “Complexation of Poly(acrylic acid) and Poly(methacrylic acid) with Pyrene End-labeled Poly(ethylene glycol):  pH and Fluorescence Measurements,” Macromolecules 23, 4411-4418, 1990.
  86. D.J. Hemker, C.W. Frank, “Dynamic Light Scattering Studies of the Fractal Aggregation of Poly(methacrylic acid) and Poly(ethylene glycol),” Macromolecules 23, 4404-4410, 1990.
  87. W.C. Tao, C.W. Frank, “Excimer Fluorescence as a Molecular Probe of Polymer Blend Miscibility.  9. Effects of Guest Concentration and Annealing in Blends of Poly(2-vinyl naphthalene) with Poly(cyclohexyl methacrylate),” Macromolecules 23, 3275-3283, 1990.