1993 Publications

  1. Irradiation of Polymeric Materials:  Processes, Mechanisms and Applications, E. Reichmanis, C.W. Frank, J.H. O’Donnell, eds., ACS Symposium Series 527, 1993.
  2. L.L. Kosbar, C.W. Frank, R.F.W. Pease, J. Hutchinson, “Diazonaphthoquinone-Novolac Resist Dissolution in Composite Langmuir-Blodgett and Spin-Cast Films,” in Irradiation of Polymeric Materials:  Processes, Mechanisms and Applications, E. Reichmanis, C. W. Frank, J. H. O’Donnell, eds., ACS Symposium Series 527, 245-265, 1993.
  3. E. Reichmanis, C.W. Frank, J.H. O’Donnell, D.J.T. Hill, “Radiation Effects on Polymeric Materials:  A Brief Overview,” in Irradiation of Polymeric Materials:  Processes, Mechanisms and Applications, E. Reichmanis, C. W. Frank, J. H. O’Donnell, eds., ACS Symposium Series 527, 1-8, 1993.
  4. J.M. Salley, C.W. Frank, T. Miwa, R. Roginski, “Charge Transfer in Polyimides,” Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Polyimides, C. Feger, ed., Technomic Publishing, Inc., 441-450, 1993.
  5. S. Steinberg, W. Ducker, G. Vigil, H. Cha, C.W. Frank, M.Z. Tseng, D.R. Clarke, J.N. Israelachvili, “Van der Waals Epitaxial Growth of Alpha-Alumina Nanocrystals on Mica,” Science 260, 656-659, 1993.
  6. K. Mathauer, C.W. Frank, “Binary Self-Assembled Monolayers as Prepared by Successive Adsorption of Alkyltrichlorosilanes,” Langmuir 9, 3446-3451, 1993.
  7. K. Mathauer, C.W. Frank, “The Naphthalene Chromophore Tethered in the Constrained Environment of a Self-Assembled Monolayer,” Langmuir 9, 3002-3008, 1993.
  8. K. Mathauer, T. Vahlenkamp, C.W. Frank, G. Wegner, “Monolayer Miscibility of a Hairy Rodlike Polyglutamate and n-Alkyl Amphiphiles,” Langmuir 9, 1582-1586, 1993.
  9. W.A. Goedel, C.-B. Xu, C.W. Frank, “Perfluoropolyethers Tethered to the Air-Water Interface,” Langmuir 9, 1184-1186, 1993.