Name stm_12d Plot data are not available, please refer to the target description.
Target Type shock tube measurement
Definition time to [CO]max/2
Composition 0.4% CH4/20% O2/79.6% Ar
Temperature T5 (K) 1900
Pressure p5 (atm) 1.64
  Experiment Trial Optimized
Nominal Value (μs) 69.5 65.5 66.7
Uncertainty (σ) ×/÷ 1.08 ×/÷ 1.13 ×/÷ 1.04

YWF1995 Yu C-L, Wang C, Frenklach M. Chemical kinetics of methyl oxidation by molecular oxygen. J Phys Chem. 1995;99:14377-87.