Assign0: Welcome to CS106B!
Due Wednesday, June 23 at 11:59 pm
- The assignment deadline is by the end of the day in Pacific Daylight Time. This means that you have until 11:59pm PDT on the day of the assignment deadline to submit the assignment.
- There is no grace period for this assignment. The deadline is firm, and no late submissions can be accepted.
- Note that our Paperless submission system displays due dates and submission times in the PDT frame of reference.
Welcome to CS106B! This assignment is designed to help you get your development environment set up and running so that you can compile, run, and debug programs. There isn't any actual programming involved, and we hope that this doesn't take you too much time to complete. Remember, you don't need to understand what the code you're being asked to run is actually doing just yet. Over the course of the quarter, each of the different parts of this program will be illuminated! This assignment must be completed individually.
Step 1) Install Qt Creator
Your first task is to configure your computer for Qt Creator, the development environment that we'll be using in CS106B this quarter. Follow the instructions in the Qt Installation Guide for your operating system.
If you run into trouble installing Qt Creator, don't panic! Trip will be holding a Qt Creator help session virtually on Zoom from 7:00PM – 9:00PM PDT on Tuesday, June 22. There will be a second session from 9:00AM – 10:00AM PDT on Wednesday, June 23 (don't worry, this assignment really isn't mean to take long!)
Step 2) Download starter project
We will configure a starter project with the files needed for each assignment and post it in the form of a ZIP archive. Download the archive and unzip. As a word to the wise, never put QT projects inside folders whose names contain characters like spaces or operators like '+'. Doing so will disrupt the compilation process.
- 📦 Starter code
Step 3) Hash your name
Open the project in Qt Creator and build and run the program. It will ask you to enter your (preferred) first and last names. When you do, it will give back a hash code, a special number associated with your name. You can think of your hash code as a “fingerprint” associated with your name that's unlikely to be the same as anyone else's fingerprint. Write this number down; you'll need it to complete the assignment!
Step 4) Use the debugger
Open the Assign 0 debugger tutorial. This wonderful guide written by Keith Schwarz walks you through using the debugger on the Name Hash program. Follow along with the step-by-step instructions. At some point, you'll be asked to remember a number. Write this number down; you'll need it to complete the assignment!
Step 5) Read about the Honor Code
You are required to read our handout CS106B and the Honor Code before submitting assignments. Do this now before proceeding to the final step.
Step 6) Submit
Once you've finished everything, fill out the form at the following URL:
- đź“‹ Submit Google form:
This form will ask for the numbers from Steps 3 and 4, along with some questions about the Stanford Honor Code. And that's it! You're done!