Assign1: Getting Your C++ Legs

Due Tuesday, June 29 at 11:59 pm

Here it is – the first programming assignment of the quarter! Completing this assignment will get you up and running with the C++ language and the tools used in CS106B. The work involves a mix of coding, testing, and debugging tasks. By the end of this assignment, you'll have fully gotten your C++ legs under you! (our apologies for the bad pun…)

The code you will write involves expressions, control structures, functions, and string processing. You have prior experience with these concepts, but the tricky part is figuring how to map what you already know to the strange new world of C++. The transition is what this assignment is all about. In addition to giving you practice with C++ syntax and libraries, the assignment will guide you through the tools and approaches you can use to test and debug your code. By the time you've completed it, you'll be a lot more comfortable working in C++ and will be ready to start building larger projects!

This assignment is to be completed individually. Working in pairs/groups is not permitted.

Learning goals

Assignment parts

This assignment consists of two parts.

Getting started

We provide a ZIP of the starter project. Download the zip, extract the files, and double-click the .pro file to open the project in Qt Creator.

📦 Starter code

The two source files you will edit are:

Additionally, you will write short answers to some questions in short_answer.txt.


Getting Help

As always, feel free to reach out to us if you have questions. You can contact us on Ed, email your section leader, or stop by the virtual LaIR, or come to office hours. As a reminder, try to visit the LaIR for coding debugging questions – however, if you cannot make it to the LaIR due to timezone issues, you can post on Ed to get help. However, you must use a private post if you are including code so that you are not posting your solutions for the whole class to see.


Before you call it done, run through our submit checklist to be sure all your t's are crossed and i's dotted. Then upload your completed files to Paperless for grading.

Please submit only the files you edited; for this assignment, these files will be:

You don't need to submit any of the other files in the project folder.

🏁 Submit to Paperless

Note: On Paperless, all due dates and submission times are expressed in Pacific time.

That's it; you're done! Congratulations on finishing your first CS106B assignment!