Getting Help

Based on a document by Julie Zelenski, Cynthia Lee, and others

If, over the course of the quarter, you ever need any clarifications on course materials or policies, or are wrestling with a challenging bug, there are a variety of resources available. We hope you'll take advantage of them!

Office Hours

Office hours are a great place for discussion on conceptual topics or issues too complex for the discussion forum, both with other students and with the course staff. They are also the primary resource when you need help resolving an issue within your code with a staff member. Some Office Hours take place in person in the Huang Basement study area, and others take place remotely via videochat.

  • In-person office hours: When you arrive at office hours, sign up using the QueueStatus link below (the queue will be opened at the beginning of the office hours time slot). You'll need to be logged in to QueueStatus to sign up; creating a QueueStatus account is free. Please fill out the fields in the form when you sign up, including the location field, so we can easily find you. When it's your turn in the queue, we will call your name. Depending on demand during office hours, we may need to close the queue before the end of a office hours session in order to ensure we can help everyone; we may later re-open it if we are able to help more people. 1:1 help is limited to 15 minutes to ensure we can help as many people as possible.

  • Remote office hours: We are using Zoom this quarter to facilitate remote office hours. When you want to attend office hours, sign up using the QueueStatus link below (the queue will be opened at the beginning of the office hours time slot). You'll need to be logged in to QueueStatus to sign up; creating a QueueStatus account is free. Please fill out the fields in the form when you sign up. Once you sign up in the queue, please join the Zoom link on Canvas for remote office hours. We will use breakout rooms to facilitate 1:1 help, and also have group discussions. We will let you know when it is your turn to be helped. At that time, you can let us know if the question you have can only be answered in a private room. Private room help is limited to 15 minutes to ensure we can help as many people as possible. But our default is to help in the group room, so that we can help as many people as possible. Group discussions do not have a strict time limit, as our help there is more fluid and benefits more people - another reason to try and frame your question in a way that is appropriate to ask in a group setting! Depending on demand during office hours, we may need to close the queue before the end of a office hours session in order to ensure we can help everyone; we may later re-open it if we are able to help more people.

  • When working with other students in Office Hours, please adhere to the Honor Code and collaboration policies. For example, do not discuss code-level or answer-level details with other students, do not look at others' code/solutions or share your code/solutions with others, do not work through debugging another student's program, and make sure to cite collaboration as appropriate.

  • For help from the staff in particular, please be mindful that a large number of students are being supported by a relatively small staff, and we ask that you be respectful in sharing office hours time with other students. You should come prepared, having done your own legwork, and with an appropriate expectation of what the staff member will do for you.

  • If you're in the midst of a debugging effort, be ready to articulate what you are trying to accomplish, what you have tried/observed, what you think might be the problem, and what advice you need to move forward. You should not just provide a staff member with your code and ask them to tell you what's wrong with it or debug it for you.

  • We are happy to offer guidance and point you in the right direction with any issues you encounter, but the course staff is not responsible for finding and fixing all your bugs. We want to help you to gain experience in understanding and debugging your own code.

SCPD Office Hours

SCPD students can sign up for remote help using the same QueueStatus queue above during any office hours session, and join Zoom to be helped. A course staff member will hop on Zoom to help you.

The queue for signing up for staff help can be found here (you'll need to make a free account the first time you sign up for help).

Staff Office Hours Queue

Join the CS107 Zoom community for remote office hours here:

[View Remote Office Hours Zoom Link] (Check Canvas for the Link)


The below calendar lists when the staff will be helping students at Office Hours (all times in PDT). This schedule will typically be the same week-to-week. Please make sure to note the location (in-person vs. remote)!

Office Hours will be posted soon!

Discussion Forum

We host a course discussion forum on Ed. In Ed, you can engage with your peers, ask your questions, and answer those of your classmates. The forum is appropriate for all topics of course relevance, e.g., discussions of readings/lectures, advice on using the tools effectively, clarifying specifications of an assignment, sharing resources, and more. Having the discussion in a public place means that everyone can benefit and keeps things efficient and inclusive to all. The course staff will also monitor and participate in the forum. Finally, the forum will also be used to source questions about lecture sessions, both during and after.

Note that it is not intended for in depth questions about your code - please visit office hours for these questions!

Here are some tips:

  • Search before you post
  • Use a descriptive summary for your post
  • Follow and respond to others' posts
  • Heart questions and answers you find useful
  • Share interesting course related content with staff and peers

We encourage you to participate openly and non-anonymously on the forum when asking questions or posting answers; it is immensely rewarding to know who you can thank for an answer to your question, or who you are helping by answering a question!

Please do NOT publicly post the code to solve a homework assignment (in whole or in part, or partial code in progress) on the class discussion board, ever, for any reason; this can be considered a violation of the Stanford Honor Code. Also please do not publicly post highly detailed written descriptions of your solution to an assignment. It is, however, acceptable and encouraged to publicly post discussions of homework ideas in general terms, or refer to a non-homework piece of code, such as a lecture example or example from the textbook. You may publicly post any code you like as long as it is not part of a homework assignment solution.

By clicking the link below, you acknowledge that you have read the preceding text, and agree to abide by the rules written above.

Visit the CS107 Ed Forum

Emailing the Course Staff

You can email the Head TA (see the course homepage for their information) for requests of a personal nature, such as about:

  • Grades
  • Office of Accessible Education Accommodations
  • Absences
  • Extension Requests
  • Enrollment Questions
  • Other Personal Matters

You can also email the instructor for questions about private/personal matters.

If you have a question about the grade for a particular assignment, you can reach out to your grader directly - their SUNET ID is listed on the grade page for a given assignment. If you have a question about a lab attendance grade, you can reach out to your lab leader directly - their email is listed on the section enrollment page.

Note that email is not intended for course material or code questions. Please take advantage of the discussion forum or office hours for these kinds of questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I schedule an appointment outside of office hours?

Our staff is committed to offering as much support as possible, but as there is only 1 CA; requests for additional appointments with the CAs cannot generally be accommodated.

The staff queue is crowded the night before a deadline. How can I get help at a less busy time?

Any staff office hours scheduled close to the assignment deadlines are likely to be heavily attended with students focused on meeting deadlines, and the staff will need to keep up a brisk pace to efficiently process the large number of questions. Hours at other times in the week are more relaxed, and we encourage you to take advantage of those off-peak hours.

I showed my code to the staff but they didn't find my bug!

I'm sorry you are disappointed, but there may be a misunderstanding about what to expect from our staff. We do not intend to be a resource that, upon reviewing your code, will spot your bug and tell you how to fix it. Many bugs don't lend themselves to that sort of instantaneous resolution, but even for those that do, we intentionally avoid offering quick fixes. While finding and fixing a bug may solve the immediate problem, it does little to build self-sufficiency in debugging going forward. Debugging can be hard work, but it is an essential part of programming and only by working through it do you build up your skills. This is our goal for you!

When faced with a challenging bug, we can be your guide, your coach, your advisor, and your cheerleader. Ask for our help interpreting the symptoms and the observations you have made. Invite us to review what you have figured out so far and brainstorm what to try next. Seek advice on which tools and what experiments will be helpful. Lean on us for moral support and encouragement when the going gets rough. And celebrate with us when you nail that bug!