Chapter 1¶
Key distributions for categorical data: Poisson, Binomial, Multinomial.
Examples of exponential families.
Inference for sampling from such families.
Chapter 2¶
Contingency tables.
Sampling models: independent rows / columns; Poisson; case-control.
Odds ratios.
Conditional independence in three-way tables.
Chapter 3¶
Inference for two-way tables.
Tests of independence (Pearson / Fisher)
Residuals: Pearson and deviance.
Ordinal variables.
Bayesian models
Chapter 4¶
Generalized Linear Models
Basic definitions and examples: binary, counts
Likelihood / Score / Hessian (Information)
Deviance: likelihood ratio tests
Algorithm: Fisher scoring / Newton-Raphson
Chapter 5¶
Odds ratios
Retrospective studies
A little bit of inference under misspecification: e.g. bootstrap
Multiple logistic regression
Chapter 6¶
Model selection and diagnostics (deviance / Pearson residuals) for logistic regression
Analogs of \(R^2\)
Mantel-Haenszel tests for stratified 2x2 tables
Power in logistic regression
Bayesian GLMs (Touched on in Chapter 7 of Agresti)¶
Brief description of Metropolis-Hastings / Gibbs sampling
Simple implementations in STAN
Chapter 8¶
Multinomial regression
Multicategory logit
Cumulative logit
Latent variable representations (data augmentation / Bayesian)
Ordinal responses
Conditional independence in 3-way tables
Chapter 9¶
Loglinear models
Homogeneous association (interactions up to 2-way only)
Graphical models
Inference (deviance, Wald)
Connection to logistic regression
Lindsey’s method: density modeling as GLM
Chapter 10¶
Model selection for loglinear models
Deviance tests
Residuals for diagnostics
Chapter 11¶
Matched pairs and square contingency tables
McNemar’s test
Subject specific models / conditonal inference
Symmetry and quasi-symmetry (Bradley-Terry)
Quasi-independence (agreement between raters)
For GLMs we started off talking about LASSO: $\( {\cal P}(\beta) = \lambda \|\beta\|_1 = \lambda \sum_{j=1}^p |\beta_j|. \)$
KKT conditions: solving LASSO yields pair \((\hat{\beta}, \widehat{u}=-\nabla L(\hat{\beta}))\)
Solving LASSO: coordinate descent¶
Sort of analogous to Gibbs sampling but instead of “drawing from dbn” we find its mode.
Solving LASSO: proximal gradient¶
\(S_{\lambda}\) is soft-threshold operator (proximal operator of \(\ell_1\) penalty)
Updates all coordinates at once
Survival analysis¶
Lifetime data, often right-censored.
Observations are \((O_i, \delta_i)\) with \(O_i=\min(T_i, C_i)\) and $\( \delta_i = \begin{cases} 1 & T_i \leq C_i \\ 0 & \text{otherwise.} \end{cases} \)$
Goal: understand distribution of \(T|X\) based on response \((O,C)\).
Survival analysis¶
Basic object modeled in survival analysis
Presuming density of \(T\) $\( 1 - F(t) = S(t) = \exp(-H(t)), \qquad H(t) = \int_{[0,t]} h(s) \; ds \)$
Estimates w/o features: Nelson-Aalen for hazard, Kaplan-Meier for survival
Log-rank tests to compare populations