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Delimitrou, C., and C. Kozyrakis, "HCloud: Resource-Efficient Provisioning in Shared Cloud Systems", Twenty First International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Atlanta, GA, 04/2016.  Download: paper (2.04 MB)
Delimitrou, C., S. Sankar, B. Khessib, K. Vaid, and C. Kozyrakis, "Time and Cost-Efficient Modeling and Generation of Large-Scale TPC Workloads", TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation & Benchmarking (TPCTC), Seattle, WA, 08/2011.  Download: paper (931.08 KB)
Delimitrou, C., "QoS-Aware Cluster Management for Resource Efficient Cloud Computing", Electrical Engineering, vol. PhD: Stanford University, 08/2015.  Download: paper (16.13 MB)
Delimitrou, C., S. Sankar, A. Kansal, and C. Kozyrakis, "ECHO: Recreating Network Traffic Maps for Datacenters of Tens of Thousands of Servers", IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), San Diego, CA, 11/2012.  Download: paper (8.76 MB); slides (4.22 MB)
Delimitrou, C., and C. Kozyrakis, "QoS-Aware Scheduling in Heterogeneous Datacenters with Paragon", Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS), vol. 31, issue 4, 12/2013.  Download: paper (6.63 MB)
Delimitrou, C., and C. Kozyrakis, Bolt: Uncovering and Reducing the Security Vulnerabilities of Shared Clouds, : Cornell University & Stanford University, 04/2016.  Download: paper (2.1 MB)
Delimitrou, C., S. Sankar, K. Vaid, and C. Kozyrakis, "Accurate Modeling and Generation of Storage I/O for Datacenter Workloads", Exascale Evaluation and Research Techniques Workshop (EXERT), in conjunction with ASPLOS, Newport Beach, CA, 03/2011.  Download: paper (715.38 KB); slides (2.09 MB)
Delimitrou, C., "Improving Resource Efficiency in Cloud Computing", Electrical Engineering, vol. PhD: Stanford University, 2015.  Download: thesis (15.98 MB)
Delimitrou, C., and C. Kozyrakis, "Bolt: I Know What You Did Last Summer... In The Cloud", Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 599–613, 2017.
Gao, M., J. Pu, X. Yang, M. Horowitz, and C. Kozyrakis, "TETRIS: Scalable and Efficient Neural Network Acceleration with 3D Memory", The 22nd ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Xi'an, China, 04/2017.  Download: paper (1.93 MB); slides (1.06 MB)
Gao, M., C. Delimitrou, D. Niu, K. T. Malladi, H. Zheng, B. Brennan, and C. Kozyrakis, "DRAF: A Low-Power DRAM-based Reconfigurable Acceleration Fabric", The 43rd International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), Seoul, South Korea, 06/2016.  Download: paper (1.02 MB); slides (876.98 KB)
Gao, M., G. Ayers, and C. Kozyrakis, "Practical Near-Data Processing for In-memory Analytics Frameworks", International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques (PACT), San Francisco, CA, 10/2015.  Download: paper (433.09 KB); slides (838.72 KB)
Gao, M., C. Delimitrou, D. Niu, K. T. Malladi, H. Zheng, B. Brennan, and C. Kozyrakis, "DRAF: A Low-Power DRAM-Based Reconfigurable Acceleration Fabric", IEEE Micro Special Issue on Top Picks from the Computer Architecture Conferences, vol. 37, issue 3, 06/2017.  Download: paper (418.24 KB)
Gao, M., and C. Kozyrakis, "HRL: Efficient and Flexible Reconfigurable Logic for Near-Data Processing", 22nd IEEE Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), Barcelona, Spain, 03/2016.  Download: paper (1.38 MB); slides (855.21 KB)
Hameed, R., W. Qadeer, M. Wachs, O. Azizi, A. Solomatnikov, B. C. Lee, S. Richardson, C. Kozyrakis, and M. Horowitz, "Understanding Sources of Inefficiency in General-purpose Chips", Proceedings of the 37th Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 37–47, 2010.  Download: paper (455.9 KB)
Hameed, R., W. Qadeer, M. Wachs, O. Azizi, A. Solomatnikov, B. C. Lee, S. Richardson, C. Kozyrakis, and M. Horowitz, "Understanding Sources of Ineffciency in General-purpose Chips", Commun. ACM, vol. 54, no. 10, New York, NY, USA, ACM, pp. 85–93, 2011.  Download: paper (2.83 MB)
Hammond, L., V. Wong, M. Chen, B. D. Carlstrom, J. D. Davis, B. Hertzberg, M. K. Prabhu, H. Wijaya, C. Kozyrakis, and K. Olukotun, "Transactional Memory Coherence and Consistency", Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), Munich, Germany, pp. 102–, 6/2004.
Hong, S., T. Oguntebi, J. Casper, N. Bronson, C. Kozyrakis, and K. Olukotun, "EigenBench: A Simple Exploration Tool for Orthogonal TM Characteristics", IEEE Intl. Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), Atlanta, GA, 12/2010.  Download: paper (914.55 KB)
Kazandjieva, M. A., B. Heller, O. Gnawali, P. Levis, and C. Kozyrakis, "Green enterprise computing data: Assumptions and realities.", IGCC: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 1-10, 2012.  Download: paper (331.4 KB)
Klimovic, A., C. Kozyrakis, E. Thereska, B. John, and S. Kumar, "Flash Storage Disaggregation", Proceedings of the Eleventh European Conference on Computer Systems, London, UK, ACM, pp. 29:1–29:15, 2016.  Download: paper (1.52 MB)
Klimovic, A., H. Litz, and C. Kozyrakis, "ReFlex: Remote Flash == Local Flash", 22nd ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS) , Xi'an, China, 04/2017.  Download: paper (961.78 KB)
Koeplinger, D., R. Prabhakar, Y. Zhang, C. Delimitrou, C. Kozyrakis, and K. Olukotun, "Automatic Generation of Efficient Accelerators for Reconfigurable Hardware", The 43rd International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), Seoul, South Korea, 06/2016. Abstract  Download: paper (2.77 MB)