SCPD Information

Written by Nick Troccoli

This document contains a summary of course logistics for SCPD students.

Welcome to CS111! We are happy to have you in the course this quarter. Since SCPD students are off-campus, there are several aspects of CS111 that are slightly different for SCPD students than for on-campus students, as described below.

For general questions for the Stanford SCPD staff, you can reach the SCPD team at For exam-related questions, you can reach the SCPD team at

Note: For SCPD NDO students (not HCP students): you must follow visitor guidelines specified here.

Myth Access

Everyone with a SUNET ID can access the myth machines. However, you may not have a home directory created for you once you log in. If you encounter an issue when you try to log into myth where it says “could not chdir to home directory”, then this is the reason why. To fix this, submit a HelpSU ticket here (you only need to open the URL and click on the Submit button) to have your home directory set up:

Request Home Directory


Lectures are recorded and posted within a few hours to the course Canvas site, under the "Panopto Course Videos" tab. The lectures are not live-accessible via Zoom, but are viewable roughly live with a slight delay on Canvas under "Panopto Course Videos" by clicking the list item for that lecture.

SCPD students cannot complete lecture polls for credit, but can get lecture credit by completing the lecture quizzes, which work the same way as for on-campus students.


Each week, we post section materials on the course website, along with a link for where to submit answers to exercises. Because SCPD students are off-campus, there are a few different options for you to complete section problems each week.

  1. Attend an in-person section: You are welcome to attend an in-person section if you would like to (NDO students must make sure to adhere to the requirements mentioned earlier on this page about coming to campus) - to do this, submit your section preferences as normal during the preferences window.
  2. Attend a section remotely via Zoom: we are looking at offering a small number of the sections remotely via Zoom, or offering a standalone remote section if there is sufficient interest in 1 or 2 times. We will email out during the first week with more information about this option.
  3. Complete section problems asynchronously: You can choose to complete the problems on your own (or with partners) - the section checkoff sheet link allows you to submit from Wed. at 12:01AM PDT until Saturday. at 11:59PM PDT each week. You can feel free to post on the discussion forum with any questions you have while working through sections, and you are encouraged to work with other SCPD students if you would like – you can use the class discussion to find others to work with. For this option, do not submit section preferences - once we assign sections based on preferences, you can then enroll in the special SCPD section.


The process for working on, submitting and getting feedback on assignments is identical for both regular and SCPD students.

Course Support

We encourage you to take advantage of the discussion forum and the course staff email as mentioned on the course website. We also offer helper hours at scheduled times each week, and SCPD students are welcome to call in to any hours, even in-person-only ones, via videochat; details on times and how to call in are listed on the Getting Help page of the course website. You may also attend helper hours in person (NDO students must make sure to adhere to the requirements mentioned earlier on this page about coming to campus).


Exams are administered by your registered SCPD exam monitor; please see for more information about exam monitors. You will have a 36 hour window from 12 hours before the start of the on-campus exam until 24 hours after the start of the on-campus exam in which to complete the exam using the allotted exam time (2 hours for the midterm exam, 3 hours for the final exam). In other words, you can start and finish the midterm exam during any 2 hour time slot between 7AM PDT on February 15 and 7PM PDT on February 16. You can start and finish the final exam during any 3-hour time slot between 3:30AM PDT on March 20 and 3:30PM PDT on March 21.

You are welcome to attend the on-campus seatings of the exams if you would like to (NDO students must make sure to adhere to the requirements mentioned earlier on this page about coming to campus). If you’d like to do this, please email the course staff for each exam to let us know you will be taking the exam on campus. Once you do this, when selecting an exam monitor on mystanfordconnection, select the “nominate a new exam monitor” option and nominate Stanford Campus using the SCPD email address. Even if you do come to campus, we advise that you still have an exam monitor recorded as a backup.

After they are graded, exams will be returned to you electronically.