Lecture Notes / Syllabus

  • Recorded lectures (You-Tube) and notes are linked on this page.

  • Note that the lecture order will change slightly in 2023 - See Class Schedule in Google Drive.

  • See Prior Year links at the bottom if interested.

Basic MRI Review / Background

Background I - Bloch Equations and Contrast (Lecture 1)

  • The Main (B0) Field and the Equation of Motion (1A): Notes | Lecture

  • Radiofrequency (B1) Pulses and the Rotating Frame (1B): Notes | Lecture

  • Hard RF (B1) Pulses and Forced Precession (1C): Notes | Lecture

  • Bloch Equations, Relaxation, and Image Contrast (1D): Notes | Lecture

Background II - k-space and imaging (Lecture 2)

Simulation Tools

Bloch Equation Matrix Simulations (Lecture 3)

  • Matrix Operations for Nutation, Relaxation and Precession (3A): Notes | Lecture

  • Sequence Simulation Examples using Matrix Operations (3B): Notes | Lecture

Extended-Phase-Graphs (Lecture 4)

  • Definition of the Extended Phase Graph Basis (4A): Notes | Lecture

  • Sequence Operations in the Extended Phase Graph Domain (4B): Notes | Lecture

  • Extended Phase Graph Sequence Examples (4C): Notes | Lecture


Imperfections I - Eddy currents, Maxwell Terms, Gradient Non-linearity

Imperfections II - Motion and Motion Compensation

Imperfections III - Signal to Noise Ratio

  • Single-Channel Noise and SNR Measurement (7A): Notes | Lecture

Pulse Sequences

Pulse Seq I - Spin Echoes

Pulse Seq II - Balanced and Spoiled Sequences

  • RF-Spoiled Sequences and Comparisons (9D): Notes | Lecture

Pulse Seq III - Echo Planar Imaging

  • Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) Artifacts (10B): Notes | Lecture

Pulse Seq IV - Radial & Spiral Sequences

Pulse Seq V - Gradient Waveform Design

Pulse Seq VI - Sampling and Timing

  • Sampling and Point-Spread Functions (13A): Notes | Lecture

  • Multidimensional Sampling and Timing (13B): Notes | Lecture

Contrast Tools

Magnetization Preparation - RF Pulses

  • Magnetization Preparation and Fat Suppression (14A): Notes | Lecture

  • Saturation, Inversion and Contrast Preparations (14B): Notes | Lecture

Magnetization Preparation - Diffusion

Prior Year's Notes/Links

Thank you to the following people for substantial contributions to these slides (over many years!): Jennifer McNab, Karla Miller, Krishna Nayak, Catherine Moran, Kim Butts Pauly, Manoj Saranathan, Joseph Cheng, Suba Srinivasan, Samantha Holdsworth, Shreyas Vasanawala, Andy Loening