Frequently Asked Questions

Based on a document by Julie Zelenski, Cynthia Lee and others

Will the lectures be recorded?

This quarter, CS111 is offered via SCPD, meaning that lectures will be recorded and posted to Canvas for later viewing. (You can find a full list of when courses are offered on SCPD here). Lecture attendance is also part of the course grade - please see the course syllabus for more information about lectures.

I am taking another class that conflicts with the lecture time. Can I watch a recording or get notes from a friend?

Lecture is an important part of the course and students find it most effective when they can join us in person. For this reason, while we will have lecture recordings available, we are also making lecture attendance part of the course grade. Therefore, we highly discourage enrolling in conflicting classes, and recommend instead that you wait or rearrange your schedule to permit as much participation as possible in CS111 when you choose to take it. In particular, CS111 will not offer any alternate final exam times so you must arrange to take the final exam at the scheduled time. Please see the course syllabus for more information about lectures.

What is CS111A / CS111ACE?

CS111A / CS111ACE is part of ACE (Additional Calculus for Engineers), a supplementary instruction program that includes weekly sections, office hours, and ACE-specific review sessions. It is done in addition to all the normal requirements for CS111. You will receive an extra unit of course credit for the work you do in this program. Enrollment is by application, and you can find more information at this link: click here. Once enrollment decisions are made, students who are accepted will then be given a permission number to enroll on Axess. If you have questions, please email the ACE CA (contact information listed on the course homepage).

I am interested in shopping CS111, but am unable to enroll in additional units. What should I do?

Canvas has a feature that allows students to shop courses without enrolling on Axess and be added to the course Canvas while they do so. CS111's Canvas supports this feature. Please see this link for more information. Note that you are only able to submit coursework if you are formally enrolled in the course on Axess, unless you contact us.

Do you allow auditors?

Auditors are welcome to attend lecture, access our materials on the course website, and complete section problems and assignments on their own, but work cannot be handed in. We will not be able to grade work from auditors, nor be able to accommodate them in sections, helper hours or the online discussion forum. To access assignments, you can access them using guest instead of $USER in the cloning command for assignments. If you want access to lecture recordings, email the course staff for access.