Algorithmic analysis, text generation, predicting elections


Errata and FAQ

  • Question 2: There was a typo in the upper bound of the second summation; both summations should go from 1 to k. This has been fixed in the PDF.

  • Question 11: Should I count long sentences when computing the probabilities for n = 1 to 10? Yes. Limiting the plot to lengths 1 through 10 is just to make sure that people doing it by hand don't have to do too much onerous drawing, but the probabilities should be the same no matter how many of them you choose to display in your plot.

    The [Coding] label in Question 11 has also been moved to clarify that part (c) (and part (b)) do not require coding. However, we will accept either a simulation or an analytical solution for (c). You are also encouraged—but not required—to create the plot with code.